青年发展 Youth Development
时间:2019-09-25 13:22:59 来源:76范文网
青年发展 Youth Development 关键词:青年,发展,Development,Youth
青年发展 Youth Development 摘 要:巴哥网】http://www.bagew.com/loyerssuggesttheyoungpeopletopayattentiontothecareerdevelopmentatthebeginning.对于毕业生来说,他们进入就业市场,并期望找到像高工资那样完美的工作。但对于一个新人来说,他的收
青年发展 Youth Development 详细内容:
巴哥网】http://www.bagew.com/ loyers suggest the young people to pay attention to the career development at the beginning.

For the employees, asking for more salary is always an awkward question. There is a very classic example showing the salary level. A man who has worked in the company for a long time and he decided to ask his boss to gain salary. Then the boss asked him to finish a mission. He was told to ask the arrival time of a CEO from another company. He told the time to his boss, then his boss asked him whether the CEO needed to be picked up and how many persons they would come. None of question he could answer, because the boss did not tell him to get further details.

The beginning of the career should be based on the development. As we are young and full of energy, the chances to learn things comes first, and when we are equipped with skills, we deserve more pay.

青年发展 Youth Development  来源:网络整理


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