对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life
时间:2019-10-11 13:13:02 来源:76范文网
对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life 关键词:对我,考验,人生,Life,Test
对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life 摘 要:Thereisasmallshoparoundourschoolandthebossisaveryniceperson.Manystudentsliketobuysnacksinhisshop.Lastweek,Iwenttothisshopandboughtsomesnackstoeatafter
对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life 详细内容:
There is a small shop around our school and the boss is a very nice person. Many students like to buy snacks in his shop. Last week, I went to this shop and bought some snacks to eat after school. I found my money was not enough. The boss realized my problem and he asked me to pay back next time. Watching his smile, I felt so shocked by his kindness. Even if I did not return the money, he couldn"t remember me. But I must keep my promise. When I got home, I wrote down the money and reminded myself. Next day, I returned t 日常写作好助手【巴哥网】http://WWW.BAGEW.COM/ he money and felt relieved. I passed the test of my life.

对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life  来源:网络整理


对我人生的考验 The Test of My Life
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