年度人物 Person of the Year
时间:2019-10-11 13:13:04 来源:76范文网
年度人物 Person of the Year 关键词:年度人物,nbsp,Year,Person
年度人物 Person of the Year 摘 要:Recently,theTimehasannouncedthePersonoftheYearinitscover.Fivewomenfromdifferentfieldsappearedinthecover,whowerecalledthesilencebreakers.Thereasontheyw
年度人物 Person of the Year 详细内容:
年度人物 Person of the YearRecently, the Time has announced the Person of the Year in its cover. Five women from different fields appeared in the cover, who were called the silence breakers. The reason they were chosen to win the honor was their courage to fight for women’s right.
最近,时代周刊发布了封面 http://WWw.bagEw.Com/ 的年度人物,五位来自不同领域的女性出现在封面上,他们被称为打破沉默者。她们被选中的原因在于她们为女性争取权利的勇气。

Not long ago, many famous actress in Hollywood stood out and accused the famous director of attacking them. Later, more and more actresses had announced that they were harassed and gave great supported to those girls to tell their bad experience. This directors harassed many actresses in more than thirty years by the power he owned. But more male actors were exposed to take advantages of actresses. What a horrible situation.

It has been long advocated that men and women is equal. Women always fight for the same pay and right as men and they have made the improvement, but actually, in many fields, men still suppress women. As more and more female get united and fight for their rights, men must realize the importance of giving respect to women. The rise power of women is the advance of human society.

年度人物 Person of the Year  来源:网络整理


年度人物 Person of the Year
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