如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes
时间:2019-10-24 13:26:38 来源:76范文网
如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes 关键词:预防犯罪,nbsp,Prevent,Committing,Crimes
如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes 摘 要:Inmanypartsoftheworld,theproblemofgunshothasbecomemoreserious,especiallyinAmerica,becauseoftheavailablesourceofguns,manypeoplecommitcrimeswithguns.How
如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes 详细内容:
如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing CrimesIn many parts of the world, the problem of gun shot has become more serious, especially in America, because of the available source of guns, many people commit crimes with guns. How to reduce the crime has caught the world’s attention and the public calls for taking affective action.

In the United States, the gun shot incidents in campus have increased, many people worry about their security and the world is calling for taking action to prevent such incidents. Most people believe that it is necessary to control guns, even to ban selling it. But parts of the Americans believe that the best way to protect themselves is to have more guns, so they can fight against the gangsters.

Gun shot is a serious topic. I believe that the best way to reduce the serious problem is education. People must realize the danger of gun abuse and find the way to relieve their negative emotion. When they can deal with their pressure and bad mood, they will not do the criminal things.

Buying more guns only increases criminal incidents. Only education helps to create a better society.

如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes  来源:网络整理


如何预防犯罪 How to Prevent from Committing Crimes
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