时间:2017-05-04 05:42:08 来源:建材加盟网




一、Look and choose (看一看,选一选) 10分。

1. () 2. () 3. () 4. () 5. ()

6.() 7.()8.() 9.() 10.()

二、Read and choose(选出不同类的单词,将序号填在题前的括号内) 5分。() 1. A. biggerB. smaller C. youngerD. ruler


) 2. A. am

B. isC. wereD. are() 3. A. played B. cleanC. wentD. rode() 4. A. windy B. funnyC. happy D. angry

() 5. A. 2 years ago B. last year C. yesterday D. tomorrow morning () 6. A. gymB. dining hall C. mathsD. classroom() 7. A. has B. had C. haveD. study() 8. A. by the park B. by carC. by planeD. by bus () 9. A. saw B. read C. run D. wanted() 10. A. camping B. swimmingC. shoppingD. interesting

三、Read and choose(单项选择)10分。

() 1. I am 16 and you are 17. So I am _____than you.

A. younger B. shorter C. longer

() 2. --How ________ is your brother?

--He’s 1.82 meters.

A. heavierB. tallC. heavy

() 3. --_____was your weekend?

--It was fine, thanks.

A. Why. B. WhenC. How

() 4.--Did you _______to Turpan?

-- Yes, we did. we saw lots of grapes there.

A. go B . went C. for

() 5. I didn’t like winter before. Now I like winter because I love______. A. ice-skate B. to ice-skateC. eat ice cream () 6. Let’s go to the bookstore. I want ______ the new film magazine.

A. readB. to read C. to buy () 7. --________ did you go to Xinjiang on your holiday?

-- I went to Xinjiang by plane.

A. WhatB. When C. How

() 8. My friends and I ___________ our English teacher last weekend.

A. visit B. will visit C. visited

() 9. My dad bought ____English book for my sister yesterday.

A. an B. a C. some () 10. There _____no library in my school 2 years ago.

A. wasB. areC. is

四、Read and choose(给问句选择正确的答句) 5分。() 1. Where did you go?() 2. Did you like it?() 3. How was your holiday?() 4. What did you do there?() 5. Can I see your pictures?

五、Read and write(根据所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. I (cook) ________dinner last Monday. 2. I (play) ________football last weekend. 3. I (like) ________the food yesterday.

4. I (visit)________my grandparents last weekend. 5. I (study) _______English last night.

6. There (be) ______lots of dinosaurs many years ago.

7. Some of the dinosaurs (eat) _______plants and some of them lived in the water. 8. In summer ,the tree was green. Now it (be)______yellow. 9. I (take)_______pictures at the park yesterday morning.

10. My mom is 75 kg and my dad is 70kg. So my mom is (heavy)______than my dad. 六、Make the sentences(连词成句) 5分。 1.Whatareyoursizeshoes (?)

2. I stayed your home with at grandma (.)

3.Howyougodidthere (?)

4. NowIcyclingeverygoday (.)

5. Yourbiggerfeetarethanmine (.)

七、Read and choose(阅读短文,选择正确答案) 5分。

Yesterday was the first day of March. It was my birthday. I didn’t go to school. I stayed at home and prepared for my birthday party. I got up at 7 o’clock. I wore a new orange jacket and a pair of black jeans. After breakfast I put some sweets and fruits on the table.

At about 10 o’clock, many friends came to my home. They gave me a lot of gifts. We sang and danced. We ate the birthday cake and watch TV. We went to the park in the afternoon. LiLu flew kites with me. Helen rode a horse. We all had a good time.

()1. What is the story about?

A. My birthday B. My friendsC. Gifts

()2. I wore __________.

A. a pair of orange jeans

B. a new orange jacket and a pair of black jeans C. a black jacket

()3. We went to the park __________.

A. in the morningB. in the afternoonC. in the evening

()4. At about ______, many friends came to my home.

A. 7 o’clock B. 10 o’clock C. 2 o’clock ()5. ______flew kites with me. __________rode a horse.

A. Helen\LiLu B. Alice\LiLu C. LiLu\Helen

八、Writing(写一下Mike昨天一天的活动,首句已给出) 10分。

Mike was busy yesterday.

In the morning, He ate breakfast.



Unit 1

1. younger(young的比较级)更年轻的

2. older(old的比较级)更年长的

3. taller(tall的比较级)更高的

4. shorter (short的比较级)更矮的;更短的

5. longer (long的比较级)更长的

6. thinner (thin的比较级)更瘦的

7. heavier (heavy的比较级)更重的

8. bigger (big的比较级)更大的

9. smaller (small的比较级)更小的

10. stronger (strong的比较级)更强壮的

11. dinosaur 恐龙

12. hall 大厅

13. metre 米 (美式英语:meter)

14. than 比

15. both 两个都

16. kilogram 千克;公斤

17. countryside 乡村

18. lower (low的比较级)更低地

19. shadow 阴影;影子

20. smarter (smart的比较级)更聪明的

21. become 开始变得;变成

Unit 2

1. cleaned (clean的过去式)打扫

2. stayed (stay的过去式)停留;待

3. washed(wash的过去式)洗

4. watched (watch的过去式)看

5. had (have的过去式)患病;得病

6. had a cold 感冒

7. slept (sleep的过去式)睡觉

8. read (read的过去式)读

9. saw (see的过去式)看见

10. last 最近的;上一个的

11. yesterday 昨天

12. before 在……之前

13. drank (drink的过去式)喝

14. show 演出

15. magazine 杂志

16. better (well的过去式)更好的

17. faster (fast的过去式)更快的

18. hotel 旅馆

19. fixed (fix的过去式)修理

20. broken 破损的

21. lamp 台灯

22. loud 喧闹的;大声的

23. enjoy 享受……乐趣;喜爱

24. stay 暂住;逗留

Unit 3

1. went (go的过去式)去

2. camp 野营

3. went camping (尤指在假日)野营

4. fish 钓鱼;捕鱼

5. went fishing 去钓鱼

6. rode (ride的过去式) 骑(马;自行车)

7. hurt (hurt的过去式) (使)受伤

8. ate (eat的过去式)吃

9. took (take)的过去式) 拍照

10. took pictures 照相

11. bought (buy的过去式)买

12. gift 礼物

13. fell (fall的过去式)摔倒

14. off 从(某处)落下

15. Labour Day 劳动节

16. mule 骡子

17. Turpan 吐鲁番

18. could (can的过去式)能

19. till 直到

20. beach 海滩;沙滩

21. basket 篮;筐

22. part 角色

23. licked (lick的过去式) 舔

24. laughed (laugh的过去式)笑

Unit 4

1. dining hall 饭厅

2. grass 草坪

3. gym 体育馆

4. ago 以前

5. cycling 骑自行车运动(或活动)

6. go cycling 去骑自行车

7. ice-skate 滑冰

8. badminton 羽毛球运动

9. start 星

10. easy 容易的

11. look up (在词典中或通过电脑)查阅

12. Internet 互联网


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