时间:2017-05-15 06:45:39 来源:建材加盟网

篇一:丝绸之路意义和价值(英文 )

Significance and Value of the Silk Road

Abstract:Silk Road, a trade and cultural exchanges road which have more than two thousand years of the history. This semester we have learned knowledge about all aspects of the Silk Road, and now, when we look again toward the road with vicissitudes in the sand and the long silence, as if we can also through thousands of years of time to see it’s prosperity. This road has attracted the attention of many people, including government officials, scholars, professors and ordinary students, businessmen, tourists. What is the value of it? What’s significance that we understand it, learn it, research it, and develop it? This article briefly describes the historical significance of Silk Road: including trade, scientific and technological, political, ethnic, religious, artistic; academic research value of Silk Road: for history, geography, sociology, etc.;the value of the Silk Road tourism development.

Key Words :Silk Road; significance; value

1. Introduction

The Silk Road refers to the road opened up in the Han Dynasty, starts with Chang 'an (now Xi'an) or Luoyang, pass with Gansu, Xinjiang to Central Asia, West Asia, and links the Mediterranean countries land access. This road is also known as the "overland Silk Road" or "Oasis Silk Road”. Generalized Silk Road refers throughout Eurasia or North Africa and East Africa, including the general term of the long-distance business and cultural exchange lines began to form from antiquity. In addition to the above route, including grassland Silk Road formed in about the 5th century, maritime silk route formed in medieval early years and played a huge role in the Song Dynasty and the Southern Silk Road which appeared at the same time of the Northwestern Silk Road’s formation, and replaced it as the overland communication channel in the early Song Dynasty.

2.Historical Significance

First, caravan on the Silk Road transported the rare animals, plants, leather goods, herbs, spices, jewelry from the west to east, then trade them for Chinese silk, tea, porcelain, and other goods. These goods eiched Western and Eastern people's daily life. Secondly, after the opening of the Silk Road, smelting and sinking technique of the Central Plains spread to the Central Asia promoting the improvement of the social production levels and economic development in the Western Region; China's four great inventions and Silk

weaving technology, lacquer arts also via the Silk Road pass all parts of the world to promote the process of world civilization. Thirdly, after the opening of the Silk Road, the increasingly frequent diplomatic activity between Western Regions and central China closed political ties of each other. At the same time, some Western countries such as Persian, Roman Empire also sent envoys to China. That promoted the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures. Fourth, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Manichaeism and Nestorian came with the Silk Road in China becoming many people’s faith and spread to the Korean Peninsula, Japan and other Asian countries along the Silk Road branch. In addition, the Silk Road has great significance in promoting ethnic blend of art and cultural exchange.

3.the Value of Academic Research

The Silk Road is a typical linear cultural heritage, has a very distinct linear cultural identity: (1) is a linear or ribbon cultural heritage area, range, including the legacy of many kinds of human activities reflect the form of rich. Both geographical characteristics of mutual exchange and accumulation of history blend;

(2) scale, can refer to a water system across many cities and towns throughout the basin; throughout many countries, a trade route can also refer to; (3) bearing contact with the change of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, interaction and exchange, constitute the common characteristics of the culture to bring cultural remains, diversity and typical derivative colorful look and internal closely related; (4) involves to the huge economic value and complexity of the natural ecosystem. These feature makes it in history, geography, sociology, and other disciplines have considerable research value.


On the history, from the Han Dynasty Silk Road opened up to flourishing trade and frequent cultural exchanges in the Tang Dynasty Silk Road, rise of the Yuan Dynasty Grassland, Maritime Silk Road flourished in the Song and Ming dynasties, until the decline of the Silk Road on today, it’s history throughout China’s. Research significance of the Silk Road is not only confined itself, it also contribute to our understanding and evidence of the political systems, economy and culture, nation and religion of ancient China and even those in Central Asia, West Asia and Europe.


On the geography, the Silk Road starting with the central China, through Xinjiang province, Central Asia, West Asia, arrived in Europe and joins the North African, after a different geographical pattern with different cultural circles, the Silk Road knowledge can be used to help the study of physical geography vicissitude. It can also be used to research the relationship between the geographical environment and

national cultural differences.


On the sociology, the reasons and process of ethnic blend, the media and way of cultural spread, formation, differences and mutual influence of the different parts of the world cultural circles are hot research topics. And the Silk Road is a channel of economic and cultural exchanges between Chinese and Western, of course it has unusual meaning and value for the sociology.

4.the Value of the Silk Road Tourism Development

Silk Road culture is able to display the characteristics of tourism resources in the northwest of China and promote the whole development of the west. Cultural tourism is the best carrier of the inheritance and development of the Silk Road culture. And cultural tourism is an inevitable trend of the development of the tourism industry today.

Silk Road tourism and cultural resource classification. Silk Road tourism may include: the ancient cities on the Silk Road such as Chang'an (now Xi'an), Luoyang and four counties in Hexi(now Wuwei, Zhangye, Jiuquan and Dunhuang in Gansu province) and ruins of the ancient Western Regions countries; the Silk Road grotto and Buddhist art treasures such as Dunhuang Cave, Tianshui Maijishan Grottoes, Yulin Grottoes; ruins of famous ancient pass likes Yang Guan, Yumen pass and Jiayuguan; natural scenery likes desert, oasis, snow mountains in Xinjiang province along the Silk Road.

Tourism goods associated with the travel route of the Silk Road. Including diet series, crafts knit, sculptures, antique clearance Wen dish, personalized tickets, personalized merchandise, as well as "optional" postcards, stamps, etc.

Silk Road culture publicity and promotion. Include organizing various tourism festival; strengthen the direct contact with the travel source markets; take full advantage of a variety of media publicity, promotion and the organization of the various types of exchanges meeting.


The Silk Road connected East Asia, Central Asia, India, West Asia, the Mediterranean and other world civilization circle. It have great significance to promote the process of world civilization and progress of human society. Today, our research and development on the Silk Road will create inestimable value.


The Belt and Road Initiatives and China's diplomacy Key words: the belt and road initiatives , diplomacy , culture,The year of 2014,, when President Xi Jinping visited Kazakhstan, he proposed to build a Silk Road Economic Belt. And later, when he was visiting Indonesia, he proposed to build the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. These have been called the new concepts of China's diplomacy.These two initiatives of overland and maritime Silk Roads aim to seize the opportunity of the further opening-up of China, especially opening in the westward direction. We want to update the spirit of the ancient Silk Road and work with relevant countries to add two powerful wings to the rejuvenation of Asia as a whole.

The Silk Road was first traveled by the Chinese people 2,000 years ago, but it belongs to the whole world. At the core of the Silk Road spirit is peace, friendship, openness and inclusiveness, which have become the common assets of human civilization. These two initiatives will focus on economic cooperation and people-to-people and cultural exchanges and prioritize connectivity and trade and investment facilitation. We will pursue these initiatives through equal-footed consultation and incremental progress, with a clear goal to deliver benefits to all and build a community of shared interests.The door of these two initiatives is wide open, and it will proceed in parallel with the existing cooperation

mechanisms and ideas in the region. We welcome countries in the region and other interested countries to take an active part in these two initiatives so that together, we will discuss and build them and benefit from them.China's diplomacy in 2013 was broader in horizon and more active in conduct. It was not just a successful year under the new leadership, but also a year of innovation and harvest for China's diplomacy.In 2014 China will continue to pursue an active foreign policy. We will focus our efforts on two main areas.

First, we will be more active in serving the efforts of

comprehensively deepening reform in China. We will strengthen friendly relations with all countries in the world, especially our neighbors, and we will create a more enabling external environment for domestic reform and development. We will vigorously pursue economic diplomacy, deepen win-win cooperation with other countries and create more favorable conditions for the transformation and upgrading of China's economy. And we will do all we can to implement the initiative to better protect and serve overseas Chinese, and provide stronger protection for China's ever-growing legitimate rights and interests.

Second, we will be more active in playing the role of a responsible, big country. In our international engagement, we will uphold principles, promote justice and practice equality. In particular, we will advance and

protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries and make the international order more just and reasonable. We will take an active part in international and regional affairs, put forward more

Chinese proposals and play a bigger role in helping to resolve all kinds of global challenges and regional hotspot issues.

China has been interacting with its neighbors for thousands of years. And all along, we have valued harmonious relations and treated others with sincerity. When others respect us, we respect them even more. Going forward, we will more actively practice the guideline of "amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness". We will help our neighboring countries and peoples benefit more from China's reform and opening. We will help them better appreciate China's commitment to peaceful development. We are willing to listen to voices from our neighboring countries and respond to their doubts about China's

neighborhood policy. We also hope to speed up the negotiation toward a China-EU investment agreement, with a view to future free trade arrangements between China and Europe. And of course, we'd like to increase strategic communication with the Europeans in international affairs and work together to promote democracy in international relations and a more multi-polar world.

The Chinese civilization has thrived for 5,000 years without any interruption. An important reason is that we are like the ocean that

admits all rivers and streams. Today, as we pursue major-country

diplomacy with Chinese characteristics, it is even more important to draw nourishment and strength from China's rich and profound cultural heritage and show to the world that the Chinese people are poised, confident, open and enterprising.


[2].来自外交政策发言稿 [3].来自外交部长采访稿件












你的一位美国朋友Mike在你生日时给你寄来一本英语词典作为生日礼物,为此你写一封信给他表示谢意。信中要表达出你平时英语拼写比较差,这本词典正是你所需要的,它将帮助你提高拼写能力。信中对Mike寄给你的生日卡表示感谢,并祝Mike身体好,盼望下个月在中国能见到他。 62、(1分)


事由:母亲突然生病,发高烧,住院,需人照料。父亲出差去武汉。 事假:三天日期:九月十五日

其它:表示尽快返校,补上所缺课程。 注意:不要使用自己的真实姓名。 词数:60-80词。63、(1分)


请用英语简要地写《守株待兔》的故事,以刊登在我国对外发行的某英文刊物上,词数:80-100词。 故事大意:宋人有耕者,田中有株(stump),兔走触株,折颈而死。捡之甚喜,随后弃农而守株。一年后,田地荒芜,终不再获,而身为宋国笑。 64、(1分)


Before you went to the United States, you promised your parents that you would write once a week, yet since then, you have failed to keep your promise. Write a letter to them explaining why it has been impossible for you to write more often . Do not write more than 100 words.Hints: You have been too busy since you arrived there.The post office is rather far away from your schoolyard.

You have not got any achievements that you can write to tell them.You Promise that from now on you can write to them more often .Your name: Chou Feng(周锋)

Your address: 316 Evergreen St. Freedom City, Ohio, U. S. A.The date of your letter: July 2, 1989 65、(1分)


(1) 你已于上周五平安抵达广州。一路上火车拥挤,车内肮脏,到达广州时疲惫不堪。 (2) 舅舅全家都好,待你很热情。魏平表兄是个热心人,这几天正带你游览广州。今晚你们将去听一个音乐会。

(3) 广州是个美丽的城市,也是个繁荣(bustling)的城市。广州的生活节奏、丰富多彩。你希望长大后有机会在这儿工件。

(4) 发信日期:1990年2月15日。发信地址:广州市中山路8号。 注意:字数在120—140之间。 66、(1分)



纽约两队之间的精彩的足球比赛。他已有好几年没有看这两个队的比赛了。他请Helen 和他一起看。Helen却想做些更有意思的事情。她认为Hey每个星期天下午都呆在电视机前观看精野的足球赛没有意思。 67、(1分)

请根据下面的提示,编写一段题为“谈论考试”的对话(字数在100--120): 提示:

(1) Kate觉得英语、数学题目不容易,但愿能通过考试。

(2) Dick认为英语、数学考得还可以,但担心物理,因为一部分题目太难。

(3) Kate安慰Dick说,坐在她旁边的一位同学说,他花了两个小时,在物理试卷上只写了个名字,其他一字未写。 68、(1分)

Jane和Bill在谈论某一部电影。Bill刚在电视上看了一部令人发笑的电影,显得很愉快。这部电影讲的是一个马大哈到处闯祸的故事。Bill喜欢这部片子,Jane却喜欢看那些不仅有趣,而且有教育意义的(instructive)节目。Bill认为有时人们需要轻松轻松(relaxation),Jane不否认这一点,但坚持认为看电影不只是为了娱乐(entertainment )。 请根据上面的内容,编写一段80至100字的对话。 69、(1分)

根据下面的提示,以“Talking about Having Sports”为题编写一段对话(字数:80--120)。 提示:

Susan每天下午参加体育活动。她喜欢游泳,每星期游泳一次。David在中学时代也常游泳,但现在没有时间,人也开始发胖了。Susan邀请David当天下午一起去游泳,并约定下午三点在游泳池见面。 70、(1分)

Helen和Hey两人在谈论书籍。Helen问Hey在看什么书。Hey说在看《马可·波罗游记》,该书图文并茂,很吸引人。书的主要内容是:马可·波罗生于意大利的古城威尼斯(Venice),1271年离别威尼斯,先由水路,后由陆路经“丝绸之路”于四年后到达中国。他在中国生活了十七年,于1292年回国。该书作者是Rustichello,书已被译成100种左右的不同文字。Helen听后对此书产生了兴趣,Hey答应看完后借给Helen看。 请根据上述内容,编写一段题为“谈论一本书”的对话,字数:120左右。 71、(1分)

根据下面的提示,以“Start up a Conversation”为题,编写一段70字左右的对话: 搞研究工作的Snow先生在某大学校园散步时遇到了中国学生李平。他与李平进行了交谈。他先从天气说起,然后问李平是不是日本人。李平回答说他是中国人,是学习化学的。他曾学过三年英语,英语讲得一般。 Snow先生对此却很赞赏。 72、(1分)

根据下列提示,编写一段题为“Giving a Gift”的对话(50个字左右): 提示:

(1) 圣诞节, Xiao Chen拜访了 Elizabeth,并送给她一件礼物。礼物是一只漂亮的竹篮。

(2) Elizabeth当场打开了礼物。她非常高兴,说这正是她所喜欢的,并再次感谢小陈。


黄先生夫妇请琼(Joan)到家里吃晚饭。黄太太做了冷鸡、蘑菇(mushrooms)、鱼、 虾(shrimp)、蛋卷(egg roll)和豆腐(Doufu)等菜招待客人。席间主人频频劝客人吃菜,客人称赞黄太太烧的菜非常可口。最后,客人向主人致谢告别。

请根据上述内容,编写一段题为“At the Dinner Table”的对话,字数在120字左右。 提示:

对话可从晚餐结束前不久开始。 74、(1分)


Alfred因喉痛( a sore throat)和咳嗽去看病。医生检查后说他得了流行性感冒(the flu),给他开了药方(prescription),要他每四小时服一次药。医生还问他是否抽烟。他说抽烟。医生劝他将烟戒掉。 75、(1分)


Green太太想去博物馆,但不知如何走,于是就向一位警察询问。警察告诉她沿街走到第二个十字路口向左拐,拐角过去第三幢楼就是博物馆。 76、(1分)


Mary Brown上课迟到了二十分钟。她向Green小姐表示歉意,并对迟到原因作了说明。 原来,她上学的路上在公共汽车站等车时,站在不远处的一位老人忽然昏倒在地。她起先不知道怎么办才好,后来猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病(heart attack),于是就给附近的警察局打了电话,让他们把老人送往医院。

Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了Mary Brown。 77、(1分)

假如你叫陈明,在杭州外国语学校学习。原来你校每星期五下午放映英语电影,同学们都感兴趣。但从本学期起,你校每天下午加课。这不但影响了你们看电影,还影响了你们的体育活动和休息。你认为这对同学们的学习和健康是不利的。为此,你特地给《中国日报》(China Daily)的主编写信,反映情况,请求支持。该报地址:北京金台西路2号。 要求:

(1) 字数在120个左右;

(2) 发信地址是杭州人民路234号; (3) 写信日期为1990年2月27日。 78、(1分)

请根据下列提示和要求写一篇短文。 提示:

(1) 出通知的目的:把即将做的某件事告诉大家。 (2) 通知的形式:口头通知和书面通知。 (3) 写通知的要求:简单明了。

(4) 通知的内容:谁做、做什么、何地、何时、怎样做。 要求:

(1) 题目:How to Make an Announcement。 (2) 文体:说明文。 (3) 字数:60—80。 79、(1分)

请根据下面的提纲写一篇说理文。 提纲:

(1) 时间比金钱更宝贵。

(2) 要珍惜时间,因为时间一去不复返。 (3) 要充分利用时间。

(4) 浪费时间就是浪费生命。 (5) 养成珍惜时间的良好习惯。 要求:

(1) 题目:Time Is More Valuable Than Money (2) 字数:120—140。 80、(1分)

假如你是Chen Hua,住在北京长安街780号。一九九○年六月二十一日你给王老师(Mr Wang)写信,想说下面几件事:

(1) 你收到王老师六月十七日的来信,得知他今夏计划来北京。你盼望能早日见到他。 (2) 你所在学院准备出一本杂志,你是该杂志的助理编辑(assistant editor)之一。杂志为双月刊,你打算第一期出版后送一本给王老师。

(3) 询问王老师是否仍在教毕业班。你对王老师生动有趣的英语课印象很深。 请将字数控制在120个左右。

写作-4 〈范文〉


No 1 Middle School Dongcheng District Beijing China

October 4th,1995 Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for the English dictionary you sent me for my seventeenth birthday. It’s just what I need!

My English spelling is very poor and I often make mistakes whenever I write, but now, thanks to your present, I can look up the words in the dictionary when I am not very sure about the spelling.

I hope you are well and I look forward to seeing you in China next month.

Best wishes,Fu Young 62、(1分)

Dear Mr. WangSept. 15 th I’m very sorry I have to ask for a three-day leave. My mother has fallen ill and is having a high fever. She is in hospital now and needs looking after. My father happens to be away in Wuhan on business, so I have to go back to tend my sick mother, I’ll be back to school as soon as possible and make up for my missing lessons. Thank you

Li Hua

63、(1分)答案 略 64、(1分)

A Letter to Parents

316 Evergreen St.

Freedom City, Ohio

U. S. A. July 2, 1989

Dear Parents,

It has been so long since I left home and came to the United States. Everything is getting on well with me. How about you? I promised to write to you once a week when I left home. But my busy study prevented me from doing so. Please forgive me for not being able to keep my promise.In fact, I have been very busy since I came to the U. S. , and I even have no important news to tell you,for I have no remarkable achievements up to now. What’s more, the post office is rather far away from here. I hope you will forgive me.I will write to you again soon

Yours loving son,

Chou Feng


A Letter to Mother

8 Zhongshan Road

Guangzhou Feb. 15, 1990

Dear Mamma,

How are you and Papa?

I arrived here last Friday safely, only the journey was mot very pleasant, the train was crowded and dirty, and I was terribly tired when I got here. But now I’m quite OK again.

Uncle’s family are all very well. They were very happy to see me and are all kind to me. Cousin Wei Ping is really warm-hearted, and he has been showing me around the city these days. Tonight Wei Ping and I are going to a concert, I’m sure we’ll have a good time.

Guangzhou is a beautiful city, and a bustling one as well. Life here is busy, exciting and colourful. I love the way people work and live here and I hope to have a chance to work and live in this city when I grow up.

Uncle and Aunt send you their love.

Love, Ming


Talking about the Football Game ’

Helen: Hey, why dont we go out for lunch today and visit some friends? Hey: And miss today’s football game? Washington is playing New York today. I can’t miss that. Helen: Honestly, Hey. Don’t you ever get tired of football game?

Hey: This will be one of the best games of the year and I haven’t seen Washington play for years.

Helen: Oh, come on, Hey. Don’t you think it silly to spend every Sunday afternoon in front of the TV set, watching football?

Hey: No, not at all. Why don’t you watch it with me? You might like it.

Helen: No, thanks. I have better things to do with my Sunday afternoons. Besides, it’s too rough for me.

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