时间:2017-05-16 06:22:50 来源:建材加盟网





Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey live in Iowa. They have a big family. Mikayla is the oldest child in the family. She is six years old. The other children are Brandon, Joel, Kelsey, Kenny. are septuplets!

It is hard work to look after seven babies at the same time, In the beginning, many people helped them. They helped to

feed, clean, and dress the babies. Every week, the septuplets used

about 170 diapers (尿布Now the children are older. The septuplets started school this

year. But they go to school at home, like their big sister, Mikayla.

When Mikayla was ready for school, Kenny and Bobbi decided to

teach her at home.

61-70 BEAC

(2011桂林)A hobby can be almost anything that a person likes to do in his spare time. Hobbyists raise pets, watch birds, paint pictures, play the piano and grow flowers. They

collect everything from books to butterflies and from boxes to stamps.

People take up hobbies because these activities offer enjoyment, friendship and relaxation. Hobbies help people relax after a long time of hard work, and provide a balance (平衡) between work and play. Hobbies offer interesting activities for the old. Some hobbies can make a child grow as a person, develop his interest and help him learn new skills. Doctors have found that hobbies are useful in helping patients (病人) recover (恢复) from illness. Hobbies give patients who can’t move around something to do, and provide interests that keep them from thinking about themselves. Many hospitals treat (治疗) patients by having them take up interesting hobbies.

In early times, most people were too busy making a living to have many hobbies. But some persons who had spare time did enjoy hobbies. People today have more time than ever before for hobbies. Machines have now reduced much time that people must spend on their jobs.

Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about what to do with their newly-found free time hours.

Sir William Osler, a famous Canadian doctor expressed the value (价值) of hobbies by saying, “No man is really happy or safe without a hobby.”



66-70. DBECA

You know you have to read "between the lines" to get the most out of anything. I want to tell you

something important during your reading.

have to buy them.

There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is to get the right by paying for it, just as you pay for clothes and furniture. But full ownership comes only when you have made it a There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the best sellers — uead and

翻折的) books, which are marked from front to back.

Why is marking a book necessary? First, it keeps you awake. In the second place, reading is remember the thoughts you had, or the thoughts the writer expressed.

If reading is to learn anything more than passing time, it must be active. The book you read for pleasure can be read in a state of relaxation, and nothing is lost. But for a great book, rich in ideas, 根据材料内容,将A-E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文完整、正确,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。

A. You can't let your eyes move across the lines.

B. But most of them are as clean as the day they were bought.

C. And thinking can express itself in words, spoken or written.

D. People who lend you books expect you to keep them clean.

E. The best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it.

61. ____ 62._____ 63.____ 64.______. 65.______



61—65 DEBCA


My mother is a kind and nice woman. One Sunday night, when I was watching the film Harry Potter very happily Mother asked me to go to bed. that I didn’t move. But for a while, I noticed that she didn’t say anything. I was so sad and that I went into my room and cried. I thought “I have only two nights in a week to enjoy the TV. next day she cooked and talked with me as usual. I pretended not to hear, but she didn’t mind and told me why she didn’t allow me to watch TVThen I understood her. I love my mother.

61._______ 62._______ 63._______ 64._______ 65._______

【主旨大意】本文是一篇关于和蔼又严厉的妈妈的文章。周日晚上,我正在兴致勃勃地看电影,妈妈关了电视让我去睡觉,尽管很不开心但后来还是理解了母亲。 61-65. ADCEB

五 阅读下面短文,从文后方框内所给的ABCDE中,选出恰当的一项还原到文中合适的位置,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。

We sometimes call the lion “the king of the jungle” Because it is stronger and more dangerous In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than than cheetahs, so we invented cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than joins. so we invented puns. Now we ran hunt the best-People's inventions are clever, but they can be dangerous, too. For example, people invented lactones, and now they make the air and rivers dirty. 69 Dirty rivers kill fish. hen bears cannot eat the fish and die. If we kill one part of the food chain. other parts also die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain. so we

are in 66-70. E. B. D. C . A


Shopping is popular with many people around the world. They seem to find new ways to buy things every day. They visit shopping centers, order things through the mail, or buy things on the

For young people, one of the most popular ways to shop is to use a vending machine (自动售货机). These machines offer all kinds of things and you can find them everywhere. In the USA, The strangest product on sale from a vending machine is in Japan. Just put your coins in the vending machine Tokyo, press the button, and out comes a “kabutomushi”,that is, a black beetle(甲壳虫). You keep it as a pet!

Japan now has “Robosho”—a shop with no shop assistants, only robots. A robot reads your credit card(信用卡 People are very surprised that the robots can serve them as well as shop assistants do.

Some shops in the UK are like social clubs for teenagers. Many of them have a café inside. The Youth Station has a large nightclub for teenagers under 18, with a DJ playing music in a room that hangs the ceiling. Sports Town has a big screen, where you can see live sports from around


50. D51 E52. A53. C


Anger is a kind of feeling When your teacher gives you too much homework, when your team loses an important game, when a friend borrows your favorite thing and then breaks it, you may get angry.

. For example, you breathe faster, your face turns red, and you may want to break something or hit someone, but sometimes you hide your anger. For example, you may hide it in your heart. The problem is that if you do this, you may get a headache or your stomach may hurt.

In fact, it’s not good to hide your anger, and it’s normal for you to get angry sometimes. When you get angry, you can talk about it with adults, such as parents, teachers, etc

. Here are some other things you can do when you start to feel angry: count from 1 to 100;give someone a hug go for a bike ride; think about good things, etc.

51-55. FDCEB


A couple of years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. We decided to drive across country to Brisbane after the meeting ended. The drive was going to take four days and most of it was across the desert,

The first day was a lot of fun as we were excited and laughing at each other's stupid jokes. By the third day of driving in the seemingly endless desert, we began to get bored. We had been quiet for a few hours when in the distance Chris found some kangaroos. We were both excited and decided to get a closer look. got closer and closer, and Chris was doing 110 kilometers per hour. We were very close to the kangaroos—too close—when we heard a loud BANG!

Chris stopped the car and we got out. Behind the car was a larger kangaroo lying completely still on the ground. He took off his sunglasses and put them on the kangaroo and did the same with his jacket. Then, he put his arm around the kangaroo and told me to take a photo of them together. woke up, looked at Chris, and jumped away into the distance before we could do anything.

I started laughing but Chris looked very serious.

started laughing even harder. I 81-85DCEFB

March 20th is World Water Day every year. According to a report from the United Nations, more than half of the world's major rivers have serious water loss and are pollutedThe Yellow River, the world's fifth longest river, watered some of the oldest farms on earth. But now it has a serious problem. In most of the past 35 years, it didn't reach the sea.

The Nile in Egypt, running 6, 650 km, is the longest river in the world. 69 Now it is down to 2 billion m' or so. Australia's Murray River reaches the sea only every other year. One fifth of America's Rio Grande has no water, either.

Mostly it's damming (筑坝) and global warming that make rivers dry.

Now about 45, 000 of them lie across the world's rivers. They hold back around 15% of the world's fresh water from running to the sea.





In 1940, a little girl named Wilma Rudolph was born. She was small and sick. In her early childhood, Wilma They told her family that she had polio(小儿麻痹症),and that she would never walk.

Wilma and her family didn?t want to believe the doctors. Wilma exercised every day until she was able to walk with a brace(支架)day, dreaming of being an athlete(运动员)By the time she was nine years old, she could walk without a brace! She began playing basketball. In middle school, she was the star of the basketball team. A running coach saw her play. He thought Wilma could be a great runner. Soon Wilma was training for the Olympics.

Over the next four years, Wilma continued to train as a runner.

In 1960, Wilma went to the Rome Olympics, determined to do better. Two days before her first race, she twisted(扭伤that, she and her teammates won the 400-meter relay race. Wilma Rudolph was the first American woman to win three gold medals in a single Olympics! 281words




Hugo is an English schoolboy who is fifteen. Now he is telling us something about

his life:

I started school when I was five. I turned to this school when I was eleven and I will leave next year when I am sixteen.

The school year starts in September and ends in July. I have two weeks? holiday in December, two weeks in April and six weeks in July and August. In June next year, before I leave this school, I will take exams in 10 subjects. England have to study English, mathematics, science and a foreign language. They can also choose some other subjects.

My uniform is a black blazer, white shirt, a red and yellow tie and grey trousers.

There are have problems. He also takes part in some activities with us after school.


Here is some good advice on how to be good at a language.

Pen pals. This way of learning a language is a great way to use your new language. You have to use the language a lot; at the same time, you don?t have to give your pen pals an answer ato use the old letter writing way or the much quicker and easier e-mail way to keep in contact with your pen pal.

Internet Radio.are Internet radio stations for every major language. Just find these radio stations and listen to them. You?ll be surprised at how many stations there are all over the world.

Language clubs. When you are ready to practice your new language, try to find a language club in your

Find suitable places. Put yourself in situations where you have to speak the language that you are learning.

If you are learning German, you can find a German restaurant. Try to read the menu, try to order something or just say “hello” to the people there. You will probably find them to be very helpful and you may



I started my school life at the age of six. At first the school for me, a boy, meant play, play and more play instead of sitting in the classroom and learning something. _____61____.I tried my best to do well in my schoolwork and follow the rules.

_____62____. Every year we had different kinds of school trips. Not only could we learn many things from them, but also we were given many projects or tasks as homework. It helped us know more. At the same time, we made many good friends. _____63____. The next year, when I was in grade 9, I realized that I should give all my attention to my studies because I was going to take the exams to get into senior middle school.

Whenever I think of my school life, I feel very happy and I think in everybody?s school life there are many ups and downs that influence his life. School is a place where all of us learn to care and share. “School” is not just a place, but a large building made up of the rules, knowledge and love. _____64_____. I can describe my school in “Three S”. They are: Small, Sweet and Simple. _____65_____.



Try it yourself

My father died when I was 5. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is 8 years older than me, began to watch over my mother and me.

My mother was forced to get a full-time job. 61.______ He would get me up for school, and make me breakfast. While I was eating he would lay out my clothes, make my bed, and gather my school books up. As we waited for the school bus, he would play the games my father used to play with me. 62.______When we arrived home from school, he would help me with my homework and help Mom to cook.

It was a Saturday in June a couple years later. 63.______ They had the Father?s Day cards out. I stared at them. My mom said: “Honey, I know this is a hard time for you.” I said: “64.______ Why don?t they have ?brother?s day? cards as well?”

She smiled and said: “You?re right. Your brother has certainly been a father to you. Go ahead and pick out a card.”

So I did. On Father?s Day, my mother and I sat my brother down and gave him the card. 65.______ I heard the cracking (哽咽) in Mom?s voice as she said: “Son, your father is proud of you. You do your best to fill his shoes. We love you, and thank you.”



Dear Mary,

How is everything going? Thanks for telling me a 1 your new online friend in your last letter. I am happy you can make a good f 2 on the Internet. I have a new online friend too. Now I want to t 3 you something about him. He comes f 4 Canda. His name is Jeff King. He is thirteen y 5 old. His f 6 subject is History. And he likes Chinese

history very much. He says he want to l 7 more about Chinese history, so he would like to make a Chinese friend. And he often tells me something about his c 8 .He says

Canda is very large. It is also very beautiful. Oh, he likes music very much and he is good at s 9 . He goes to the Dancing Club on weekends. His favorite sport is football. but he can't p 10 it well.

That's all about my online friend. What do you think of him?



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