时间:2017-06-03 05:46:51 来源:建材加盟网





Dear Linda,

① you for your nice letter. Lily and I haven’t seen you for one②. Both of

③ now.

I’ll go to Sydney by air on ⑤ evening. It’ll get there at10:00 on

Monday morning. I don’t know where you ⑦ me

at the station?

It’ll be great to see you . I’m sure we’ll have a good ⑩ together.

Best wishes,




Two friends were walking through a desert. During the j____ ①they had a quarrel, and one

hit the other in the face.

The one who got hit felt t______② because he was badly hurt, but he wrote in the sand,

w_______③ saying anything, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

They kept on walking u______ ④ they found an oasis(绿洲), where they decided to have

a swim. The one who had been hit got in trouble in the water and started s_________⑤ . His life

was in danger but the friend saved him at once.

After he came to h______⑥ , he wrote on a stone, “Today my best friend saved my life.”

The friend who had hit and saved him asked, “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and

now you write on the stone. Why?”

He r______⑦ , “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in the sand w_____⑧

winds of forgiveness(宽恕)can erase it away. But when someone does s_________⑨ good for

us, we must write it on the stone where wind can hardly erase it.”

Learn to write your hurts in the sand and to write your t_________⑩ on the stone.


①life. When

②.In your ③

hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look

④ ⑤day, she feels very happy. When you are old enough to go to school, mother still looks after you

all the time. On cold winter days, she always tells you to put on more clothes. She always stands

⑥ for you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for

school with little breakfast, she you back from school. When you hurry to leave home for school

⑦ about you at home. She usually knows

about your study and spends much money on your school things. When you do well at school, you

will see the brightest smile on her face.

Mother is always ready to give everything she ⑧to her children, ⑨to receive. What true love that is in the w ⑩! We will remember Mother Love for



Sarah Davis lives in Dalton,Australia,where her parents have a sheep farm. Dalton is a small

① one hundred people. The nearest city is over one hundred and

fifty kilometres away,So Sarah doesn’t② go there.

③ the farm. She has a brother called Jeff.They b

④ go to school.In summer it’s usually very hot. So the school day s ⑤early at

half past seven and finishes at midday.

At the moment Jeff Davis is working in the woolshed(羊圈). He is picking the

⑥ wool from the bad wool and is putting it into two boxes. Sarah is taking the

good wool to the woolstore.The work in the woolshed is hard,but Sarah and Jeff don’t mind, b ⑦ it’s good fun.Jeff e⑧working with the animals.When he doesn’t help his father,

he reads books about farming. next year to study farming. When

they finish in the shed,Sarah and Jeff are going for a swim in the ⑩. They

sometimes visit their old friends.


The most important drink is water.Not many people understand this but it is quite

true.① for a long time without food,but they will die if two or three days

water.In ③ weather,many people do not drink ④

water,because they don’t know how much water they

⑤ . After taking exercise, .The water in the

man’ more than other matters(物质)

We’⑧have enough water,or we may get i11.

Water is necessary to all the living things.“⑨ ) if there is no


So we must save water and don’⑩ water.


① a pet. She has had

for many ③ thing about this monkey

④ dishes. It washes the dishes for the woman every day. It likes to

⑤hour after hour⑥ breaks a

and over again. If the woman tries to

⑧⑨. But this

⑩very often.


The panda’s face looks like a cat’s, but its fat body short tails look like a bear’s. people call this animal “bearcat”. But scientist call “cat –bear” lovely


The panda is an unusual in China. The southwest of China’s Sichuan

. Pandas like most to climb trees.

of high mountains there, eating bamboo shoots(竹笋)

and drinking spring water. In the past pandas were killed at will. Some people used panda’s fur(毛

皮)to sleep on or to make fur coats. So they b⑥fewer and fewer.

Today our government made a law(法律)⑦ unusual animals. In the places

where pandas live, hunting(打猎) Experts are sent there to do panda

⑨ of seeing people. They often go

to farmers’ to their mountain.


Many young people like KFC’s(肯德基)foods.

① fewer people eating in KFC restaurants when we

walk past . Because some of their foods were not safe. The danger comes f ③ Sudan I. If a person eats too m④ of it, he will get cancer. Scientists have f ⑤ Sudan I in some of KFC’s foods and asked it to stop s ⑥ them. Sudan I is a red

dye(染料). People useto colour oils. But some people put it in foods to make

them look ⑧. Now KFC restaurants are selling those foods ⑨ after

scientists found no more Sudan I. If you atesome of those foods last week, don’t worry. There

Sudan I in them. It shouldn’t be a big problem.


June 6th is National Eyes Caring Day.①is Caring for Eyesight.

to everyone

④ our growth time. may

⑥. ⑦every student


⑩ world is only for bright eyes·


② to live in. He o③ needs a single room because housing is so e④ in

price, about 350 yuan a month, for it is not


⑨ him before July 31st.

⑩ is .


① for each

②, the year of the monkey or the tiger.

And this year is the year of the horse.

Before New Year’s Day, people are busy s ③ and cleaning their houses.

④New Year’s Eve, there is a big f dinner. After dinner, all the family stay

to welcome in the New Year. On the first day of the New Year, people

on their new clothes and go to visit friends. They say “Good

luck” a ⑩ have a

very good time during the festival.


Last Sunday I took my husband with me to a large department store in London. We both n ① some new clothes and were hoping to find a television. When we arrived in Oxford street, it


for the moment and meet again at the ground station. So I left my husband and started l

④around the shops. Unfortunately (不幸)all the clothes were in very large s ⑤and

⑥, so I felt quite p⑦ with myself. When I arrived at the station, my husband was not there, so I sat down in a n⑧ coffee house to have a cup of tea. I quickly finished my tea when I saw him. I went out to meet

⑨. Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavy cardboard

⑩ we had two TV sets."


Jiang Zemin was born in Yangzhou in 1926. When he was young, his uncle died for the Party


to die without a son, so Jiang Zemin’s father allowed him to live in the uncle’s③ family.

Jiang Zemin went to college at Shanghai Jiaotong University, he joined

the Party in 1946 and the following year finished his studies at college.

⑦ decisions and is regarded as

⑧ ⑨of him because he


第( 15)组:

①of a fire. On May

④ door. She went in and

saw her neighbour, Grandpa Sun, a 79-year-old man, in the kitchen. He could not get out

⑤ ⑥ and the fire was very

hot. But she was not afraid. She poured water⑦ on the fire and helped Grandpa Sun out.

The fire ⑧ Wang Fang's neck, arms and face. She was in hospital for two

her flowers and presents.

Wang Fang was ⑩that she helped Grandpa Sun, We should help each

other, she said.


①in his

stories, having sports or watching TV. At

③. In the morning, he usually

⑤that he slept in class.

⑧in the exam, he would be

⑨ten dollars as a prize. Jack was very happy to hear that.

The next day, he came running home. "Oh, Mum, I got a hundred." he shouted, "I got forty inthis afternoon."


①, climbed up onto the t② of the house and began to mend it. It was quite difficult


While he was up there, he suddenly saw an old man, Bush, in the street. This man was

④ Saddam to come down. Saddam thought. “What has

⑥ me?” So he climbed down the ladderthe ground, Bush said, “I am a poor man. Please give me some money.”

Saddam was very angry, he said, “Come up.” He helped the old man to climb up the ladder o ⑨ the top of the house. Then he said, “I am a p ⑩ man , too. I have no money for you. And now go down alone. I will not help you.”


Hello, everybody. Here's some information about our trip to the town of Chester

① three hours each way if there isn't much traffic, so we . The bus will wait for you at the school gate, and it won't

③ until half past eight. You will have time for a cup of before our first visit. This will be to the palace. It's a very interesting old ⑤ and I'm sure ⑥three pounds fifty for each and, if you

have children, a family ticket is just eight pounds. There are lots of things to see and we will be t ⑦ about two hours. We'll take sandwiches for lunch with us and we will eat together in a park. You will be pleased to know that tomorrow will be ⑧. After lunch we will walk ⑨to buy all your presents there. We will meet at the car park where it stops. So it's very important for you to remember the place. If you are lost, please give me a call. My phone number is 07762-922569. Any questions? OK. See you tomorrow morning.


, and the second is from February to June.

③are five years old. Most

⑤ school.

only four or five subjects each term. They usually go to

the ⑦class every day, and they have homework for every class. After class, they do⑧ interesting things.

⑩a lot of money. So many students look for work after

class to get enough money for their studies.


Many years ago, my friend went to Britain for his holidays. One day he went to see his friend ①② a young farmer and asked him what he had learned at school. When he found that the young farmer didn’t know ④at all, he said,“Oh, my dear friend, you ’ve the half of your⑥ life.”

the river. The young farmer said to him






Can animals be made to work for us ? Some scientists think that one day animals may be t__1__ to do a number of simple jobs .They s_2___ that in a film or on TV we may see elephants , monkeys ,dogs ,bears ,or other animals doing a lot of things .If you w__3___ carefully , you may find that those animals are given something to eat in return for d__4__ them . The scientists say that many d___5__ animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs if they will get something to eat .

Of course, as we know , dogs can be used to guard a house ,and elephants can be used to do some heavy j_6__ . And we can also teach animals to work in f___7_ .Apes ,for example have b___8_ used in America to help make cars and scientists b__9___ that these monkeys may one day get in crops and e__10__ drive trains .


taught , say , watch , doing , different , jobs , factories , been , believe , even .


Do you have a pet? Are you i_1____ in taking care of animals? Girls and boys who like animals may want to study to be animal doctors.They are often c___2__“vets ”. Many of them work in animal h___3__. Others may work on farms or at a z__4___. Some study animal diseases and try to find w___5__ to keep the animals from getting i__6____. They do studies in m___7__ for animals.Vets listen to an animals’s h_8_____. They check its ears, eyes, mouth and blood. They o__9____ on animals when they need to. They may give the animals shots(注射) and tell the pets’ o_10____ what food is best. KEYS:2 interested ,called , hospitals , zoo , ways , ill , medicine , heart , operate , owners .


.When I was walking down the street one day , I s____1__ a small bag on the ground . I picked it up and opened it to see w____2___ I could find out the owner’s name . There was n__3____ inside it except some dollars and a picture of a woman and a young girl about twelve years old . I put the photo back and took the bag to the police station . Before I left , the policeman wrote down my name and my a__4_____ . He thought the owner might want to thank me .

That evening I went to have dinner with my aunt and uncle . They had also asked a young woman to have dinner with us . Her face was familiar , but I couldn’t r___5____ where I had seen her . D_____6___ our talk , the young woman happened to say that she had l__7_____ her bag that

afternoon . All at once I remembered w__8_____ I had seen her . She was the young girl in the photo . though she looked now much o___9___ than the girl in the picture . She was very s____10___ , of course , when I told her about the bag . After dinner we went to the police station and got back her bag . The policeman said to me , “It’s a wonderful thing . You found not only the bag , but also the owner of the bag .” KEYS:3

saw , whether , nothing , address , remember ,

During , lost , where , older , surprised .


Only mother love is true love. It gives e___1______ everything all his life. When you are still a baby, mother takes good care of you as much as possible. In your waking hours she always holds you in her arms. When you are ill, she stops her work right now to look after you day and n___2_______ and forgets about herself. When you are growing up day by day, she feels very happy.

When you are old e____3______ to go to school, mother still looks after you all the t___4____ . On cold winter days, she always tells you to p___5____ on more clothes.She always stands in the wind waiting for you back from school every day. When you hurry to leave home for school with little b__6_______ . She always feels worried about you at home. She u____7____ knows about you study and spend much money on your school things. When you do well at school , you will see the brightest s___8_______ on her face. Mother can do everything for you day after day. Mother is always ready to give everything she has to her children, not to receive. What true love that is in the w___9_____ ! We will r_____10_______ Mother Love for ever!


1.everyone/everybody2. night 3. enough 4. time5.put

6. breakfast7.usually 8.smile 9. world10.remember 5.

Seumas Mcsporran is a very b__1__ man. He is 60 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman , a policeman ,a fireman , a taxi driver , a school-bus driver , a boatman ,an ambulance man , an accountant , a petrol attendant , a barman , and an undertaker .Also , he and his wife , Margaret , have a shop and a small hotel.Seumas l__2___ and works on the island of Gigha in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha but in s__3___ 150 tourists come by b_4___ every day.Every

weekday Seumas gets up at six and makes b_5___ for the hotel guests. At eight he drives the island’s children to s____6_ . At nine he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island. He also delivers the beer to the island’s only pub. Then he helps Margaret in the s__7__ .He says:“Margaret likes being busy,too.We n___8__ have holidays and we don’t like w__9___ television. In the evening Margaret makes supper and I do the accounts. At ten we have a glass of wine and then we go to bed. P__10___ our life isn’t very exciting, but we like it.” KEYS:5

1. busy2. lives 3. summer 4. boat 5. breakfast

6. school 7. shop 8. never 9. watching 10. Perhaps


Tim spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable . If you go to a good s________ , no assistant will come near to you and say , “Can I h______ you ?” You needn’t buy a________ you don’t want . You may try to find out where the book you want is . But if you w_______ , the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away . It seems that he is not interested i_____ selling any books at all .

There is a story which t_______ us about a good shop . A medical student found a very useful book in a shop , but it is too expensive for him to b______ . He couldn’t get it from the library , e_______ . So every afternoon he went there to r______ a little at a time . One day , however , he couldn’t find the book from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing to him . To his s________ , the assistant pointed to the book in a corner , “I put it there so as not to be sold out .”said the assistant . Then he let the student go on with his reading .


store , help , anything , want , in ,

tells , buy , either , read , surprise .


Let me tell you a story . A good friend of mine lives with six hundred animals on an island . Ever s___1___ he left school , he has travelled all over the world l___2___ for animals for his own zoo . He writes books about his travels , and about his wonderful a___3___ . The money for his books helps him to p___4____ for all the animal food . My friend told me that when he was looking for water last week (There is not enough water on the island , though there is a lot all around it ) , he f___5___ oil . He n___6___ money for his travels and for his zoo , and a little oil would buy e___7___ water for a long time , but he knows that if he tells anybody else about it , it will be the e

___8___ of his zoo and his life’s work . So I think he will not tell anybody e ___9___ you and me about what he found — because oil and water can’t be p___10___ together . Oil may bring greater trouble to his animals than not having enough water . Do you think so ?

KEYS:7 1. since 2. looking 3. animals 4.pay 5. found

6. needs 7. enough 8. end9. except10. Put


Can animals be made to work for people ? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs i_________ (1) of people . They say that at a circus (杂技场), for e__________(2) , we may see elephants , monkeys , dogs and other animals doing q ________(3) skillful things . Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film . If you watch closely , you may find that the trainer (驯兽员) always g ________(4) the animal some sugar o r a piece of fruit as a reward . The scientists say that many d_________(5) animals may be trained to do a lot of simple things if they know they will get a reward f________ (6) doing that .

Of course , as we know , dogs can be trained to l__________(7) after a house , and soldiers in both old and modern t __________(8) have used geese to give warning (警报) by m _________(9) a lot of noise when an enemy comes near . And also it may be possible to train animals to work in families or f ____________(10) .

KEYS:8 1. instead 2. example 3. quite 4.gives 5. different

6. for 7. look 8. times 9. making 10. Factories


The u________ means the earth ,the sun , the moon and the stars and the space b________ them .Many of the stars are so f_____ away that we can not see them . The moon , our satellite , travels a______ the earth . It has already been visited b______ man from the earth . Man-made satellites have been sent up i______ space by many countries .They go round the earth . They are used for helping us to learn more a______ the earth , the weather and other things . They are also used for sending and r_______ messages . It makes people f_______ different countries understand each other much better . So people say the world itself is becoming a much s_____ place. People call the small place “the global village ”.

KEYS9 universe ,between ,far , around , by ,

into , about , receiving , from , smaller


Hey was worried. This was his first time to go traveling by air. He did not know h_____ to find his seat, so he went to the air hostess and asked, “Could you help me? I can’t find my seat.” The air hostess s_____ him the seat and told him to sit d_____ and fasten the seat belt. She

told Hey not to m______ about when the plane was going up. And she also said that Hey’s ears might feel a little s______, but he didn’t need to worry about it b_______ many people felt like that. When the plane was

f_______ very high, Hey could stand up and walk round. He could e______ read books, newspapers or see films. The air hostess would b_____ food and drinks. Hey could e______ the flight and arrived home soon.


how, showed, down , move , strange ,

because , flying, either, bring , enjoy



1 Yesterday morning, Li Hua got up early and____1____breakfast he went to school._____2_____his way to school he saw some____3____ coming from the ____4___ of a house. “There must be something on ____5_____,” he thought. Then he ___6____ as fast as he could to get some water, after a short time, he carried a bucket of ___7____. Quickly he poured the water into the fire. The smoke was put___8_____. To his surprise, he saw an old ____9____out of the window, with a smoke in his hand. He shouted at Li Hua___10______,“ See what you are doing! You bad boy!”

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

2 More and more people are___1_____the life with computers. Using computers you can send E-mail ____2___ and easily. You are able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone___3____in the world without putting a stamp. E-mail can send its message to the other side of the world____4_____seconds.E-mail is easy to use and it_____5___time and money. It serves(服务)for twenty-four hours. So it doesn’t matter if your friends are in bed when you send E-mail to them, or you are seeing a film at the cinema when they send E-mail____6____.Can you imagine(想象) the future without teachers____7_____computures? Students will teach themselves in the schools of the future. Computers help students develop their own ways of____8___. Students will follow the learning programmes by looking at on line libraries and _____9____lessons by world-class teachers. If they don’t understand something, they will ask other students online or E-mail their teachers. Computers are becoming more and more_____10_____indeed.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

3 It is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill, so it is easier to _____1____ into bad habits(习惯)than into good ones. Bad habits don’t come ___2_____. They come little by little(逐渐的)____3___people do not notice(注意)their danger(危险). Schoolboys first pick up little____4_____habit in school and on the streets. When they can’t finish their lessons, they copy(抄袭) from their ___5______. If they see bigger boys____6___, they also want to learn to smoke. When they get bigger, the habits become so ___7_____that they can no longer get ride of___8___. From copying, they fall behind, then they learn to steal, and smoking is bad for their _______9___. At last, they become worse and worse. How necessary

(必要) it is that we get rid of the bad habits in the ___10_____.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

4 Here’s a part of an e-mail _____1______from Joe, giving some ___2______to his son in college.” when I was young, I often met ___3____”about what to do and what not to do. My grandmother told me not to ____4____about those things because I only did them once a year or

once a lifetime. ____5_______, I should try to do well those things which I do every day. For example, I need to eat every day, so I should learn how to ____6____. I need to talk____7_____ , so I should learn how to work with _______8____people and know how to speak well. I walk every day, so my ____9___ should be all right and know comfortable(舒服). Every night I sleep, so my bed should let me have a good rest. Taking care of the___10____ things means that you do a better job of the one-in-a-lifetime things as well.”

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

5 The computer was one of the most important_____1___of last century. The first computer was as large as a room. Now some computers are as small as television sets. Some computers can even made smaller ___2_____ a book. About 20 years ago, the computer was a ____3___machine in china, not many people understood it and said yes to it. Today much of that is changing. In 1984, Deng Xiaoping ___4____two pupils working on the computers in Shanghai, he said that computer lessons _____5____start from child. So there was the first computer book for middle school

students. Now in Shanghai _____6____all middle schools have classrooms for computer courses(课程). Some of the students now have their ___7______comptuers at home. With the help of internet, they can send and ________8_____messages and e-mails. They can learn about the world more, quickly. Now computers are____9____used in banks, factories, airports and so on. The computer coming into everyone’s_____10____, so it is important for us to learn how to use a computer freely.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

6 Climbing a mountain is hard work, but one step after another finally brings a person to the_____1_____. Along the way, he can stop and look___2_____. And the ______3____he climbs, the more wonderful his view(视野)is. If he keeps climbing, he will have a new world before him. He will have a new way of___4______everything.Now learning _____5____language is something like climbing a mountain. This new language can give you a new view of life. And it is more than a look at the surface(表面)of things. It can open the way into people’s minds and hearts, into a culture(文化)very ______6____from the one of your own. This will make you richer,____7_____in things that money can’t buy. Even though you never set foot on a ship or a plane, you can be an armchair ___8_______through books. Like the mountain climber who stops now and then to __9_____the scenery around him, everyone who is interested in reading will find_____10____in books as he fights on to learn more and more of that new language.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

7 A storm dropped heavy rains on central and southern parts of china. The radio says that___1_____ the Xiangjiang River in Hunan, flood caused by terrible___2______in the past

weeks killed 25 people and 13 others were missing. The Chinese government warned some parts in Yunnan and the city of Chongqing of possible heavy rains over the____3_____few days. In Changsha, water levers rose to 38 meters early Monday morning about 3 meters _____4_____ the danger life. In Guangdong, at ______5______21 people have been killed, while three were____6_____hurt and 7 went missing_______7___ heavy floods hit northern parts by Saturday. The cities of Shaoguan ,Meizhou and Heyuan_____8______hardest hit and many people were left homeless(无家可归)。A bout 620 million yuan has been lost in the floods. The local government of Guangdong has sent something_____9______to Meizhou, Heyuan and Shaoguan to help people who had lost homes build their _____10______again.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

8 When Martin was a small boy , he lived in the a little town of Holtham. Then , he thought the town was a big_____1_____. When Martin went back to Holtham last week , he thought“ it’s a small town!” Holtham has changed little during the ____2____forty years. ____3_____Martin has changed a lot. He has ____4____into a man. He is now in his _____5_______age. His thoughts are a man’s thoughts, and

He sees things through a____6______eyes. Martin ___7_____in Holtham for five hours, He walked from street_____8_______street. He could see no friends. Was Holtham then a town of strangers? No , Martin suddenly______9_____it al, Only he _____10____was a stranger in the town.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

9 One day, Mark Twain_____1_____his father that he had ___2______the rule of the school. According to the rule, he had to ___3______for five dollars or was ____4____before the whole school. His father said it was too bad to_____5_____their family shamed in front of the whole school. His ____6_____to give Mark Twain five dollars to _____7____ over the teacher. But before_____8______him the money, he gave him a good beating. As he ___9_____one beating at home and had got used of it, he decided to ___10______another beating at school and kept the five dollars. Thus he earned his first bit of money in his life.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

10 I often by train to some____1____of interest. This summer I decided to take a train trip to the countryside. I got on the train and ____2______a seat by the window. When the bell rang, the train started moving. The train moved along_____3___and gradually gained______4____. We went through a number of tunnels, crossed some bridges and traveled in the countryside. It was a _____5_____day and the scenery outside was ______6_____. There were fields everywhere. We could see farmers working____7_____in the fields. Some children who were playing under trees waved to us as the train went by. The train ____8_____ over a bridge under which a group of

ducks were enjoying themselves. They were frightened by the noise of our train and __9_______off. I looked out of the window, after while, I closed my eyes and started to make ___10______for my next holiday.

1_________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4____________ 5_____________

6_________ 7_____________ 8_____________ 9____________ 10_____________

11 Children’s schooling is changing very fast today. In the past, teachers_____1______children sitting for hours. They made them remember____2___kinds of things. In other ______3_____, the children had to go on repeating things until they knew them” by heart”. Today, many teachers want to know if it is _____4_____to make children learn at all. They say you can ___5_____help them learn. They say you must let children learn and find out things by____6____. But for these children, school is a kind of prison(监狱). They are there only because their_______7_______make them go. They get out of the classroom as soon as the teacher lets them_____8_______. Many of them want to find work, but the law(法律) will not let them work until they reach a certain ___9______. And so , they have to stay in school. Often they do not learn anything at all and___10_____every moment.

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12 The men came to London for holidays. They came to a very large hotel and ___1_____in a room on the forty-fifth floor. One day they__2______ to a theatre and came____3____to the hotel very late. “I’m sorry,” said the waiter of the hotel,“ but our lift doesn’t work tonight.” One of _____4______said to his two friends, “we have to _____5__up to our room. It’s very difficult. I think I know how to make it easier. On our way to the room, I shall tell you _____6____jokes, john will sing us some songs. Then you Peter will tell us some____7_______stories.” So they began to walk toward their room. Tom told them many jokes. John sang some songs. At last they came to the fortieth floor. They were tired and _____8___to have a rest. “well,” said Tom, “Peter, will you tell us a ____9______story with a sad end?” “ I shall tell you a sad story,” said Peter. “it’s short, but it is sad enough. We left key in the __10_____room just now. what shall we do?”

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13 Many people like to play_____1_______. Here is one. It make your classmates______2____. And it is ____3_____, too. For this trick you need a five-fen coin and a piece of paper. On the paper draw a ____4_____smaller than the coin. Then cut out the little circle you drew just now. now give the paper and coin to one of your friends. Ask him or her to ___5_______through the hole but do not get the paper _______6_______. Of course he or she can’t do it. Then ask your friend to give you back the paper and the coin, and tell him that you will show him _____7______to do the trick. Put your finger through the hole and push the coin_____8_____your finger. It will be ___9_______to you have pushed the coin____10___the

hole in the paper!

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14 A bee went to a river to drink. As it was _____1_____, the bee was carried away by the running water. A kind bird saw that the bee was in danger. It picked a leaf off the tree and threw it into the ____2_____in front of the bee. The bee climbed onto the leaf, and it was _____3____safely to the land. The bee___4_____the bird a lot and then flew away. Not long_______5___that,a bird was sitting on the branch of the tree. It did not_____6___a man was shooting(射击) at it. But bee saw_____7___the man was doing. So it flew __8_____ the man’s eye and stung(刺)him. The pain(疼痛) in the man’s eye was so ____9_____that he was not able to shoot the bird, and the bird flew away. In this_________, the bee, whose life had been saved by the bird, was able to save life of the bird.

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15 Once a ____1______German writer visited Japan, he was ______2_____to give a lecture ____3_____of students. Most of them couldn’t _______4___spoken German, so he had to have an interpreter(口译)。 _____5______his lecture he told an amusing story. The story went to _____6________ for quite a long time. At last he stopped to let the interpreter to translate the long story into Japanese. He was ____7______ when the man did this in few seconds. When the man ______8_____translating it, all students laughed______9_____. The writer wondered what a simple language Japanese was. After the lecture, the writer thanked the interpreter for his good work and then said to him,“ now please tell me how you translated that long story of_____10____into such a short Japanese one? ”“ I didn’t tell the story at all,” the interpreter answered with a smile,“ the well_-known writer has just told a funny story, you will all laugh, please. ”

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16 A famous rich old man once gave a _____1______at an American university.” I’m going to tell you how to live a long, _____2______life and how to get very rich,” he said.“ you can’t ______3____or smoke. But you have to get up early every morning, work at____4______10 hours a day and save every______5___sa well,” he said. A young man____6______ stood up. “ my father did all those things and yet he ______7____a very poor man at the age of only

39. how do you _____8_____that? ”he asked. The rich old man thought for a ___9____. “It’s very simple. He didn’t do them for long____10______,”he answered.

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