时间:2017-06-16 06:07:47 来源:建材加盟网




第一部分听力 (共三节, 满分25分)

第一节:情景反应 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)


1. Could you please tell me where the restroom is?

2. Do you ever worry about failing a test?

3. Whose book is it?

4. How often does your brother play sports?

5. Who’s your favorite writer, Gina?

第二节:短对话理解 (共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

听下面五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳答案来回答问题,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话和问题均读两遍。

6. W: Halloween is coming, what are you going to do over it?

M: I’m going to dress up as a ghost.

Q: What festival are they talking about?

7. W: I stayed at home and did my homework last weekend. What about you, Bob? M: I went fishing with my father, we had fun.

Q: What did Bob do last weekend?

8. W: Hey, do you think this earring looks nice?

M : Hmm… Yes. I think it’s quite pretty. Is it made of silver?

W: Yes, and it was made in Thailand.

Q: What is the earring made of?

9. W: Hi, Tom. Have you seen Lucy?

M: No. I haven’t. Linda, don’t worry. You may ask Sue.

Q: Who is looking for Lucy?

10. W: Do you like playing basketball or tennis, Mike?

M: Neither, I’d prefer to spend time listening to songs.

W: What kind of songs do you like best?

M: All of them. I really don’t have a favorite.

Q: What’s Mike’s hobby?

第三节:长对话理解和短文理解 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

听下面五段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有三个小题,请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,各小题均有5秒钟的阅读时间,听完后,各小题均有5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白均读两遍。 听第一段材料,完成第11—13小题。

M: Come here! Good news for you!

W: What is it?

M: You won first prize in the writing competition.

W: Really? I’m so happy to hear that. Who told you the news?

M: Our Chinese teacher did.

W: What about you?

M: I got second.

W: Great! It’s a lucky day for us. Let’s go out and relax ourselves, shall we?

M: Good idea! Shall we have a big meal and then go to the cinema?

W: OK. I have to call my mother first before going out.


M: Hello!

W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message.

M: Thanks for calling me back. What were you doing when I called you last night?

W: Oh, I was seeing a film in the cinema. So, what’s up?

M: Well, would you like to climb the mountain tomorrow morning?

W: Tomorrow morning? I am afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study.

M: Oh, it’s a pity. How about Sunday morning?

W: Sure, I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus?

M: What about taking a bus?

W: OK.


W: What’s the matter, Peter?

M: I think I have to give up running.

W: You are? Why?

M: Well, my father said I needed to think about other possible jobs.

W: Oh, but you are serious about running, aren’t you?

M: Sure. It’s the only thing Iwant to do. I wantto be a professional runner when I grow up. W: So?

M: I’m not allowed to train any more. I’m so angry.

W: Well, Peter, you should sit down and make a communication with you parents.

M: I know. But they only want me to enter university. I think it’s too strict and unfair.

W: Peter, be patient. you just need to talk with them more. They must listen to you.


Mr. smith works in an office. Every evening when he comes back from his office, he is always very tired and wants to go to bed early. But his wife always has a lot of interesting things to tell him after dinner. She doesn’t stop talking until she gets to sleep. Then it’s usually very late. But Mr. Smith has to get up early in the morning.

One day Mr. Smith felt terrible and couldn’t go to work. Mrs. Smith went to the hospital with him. Before her husband could say what was the matter with him, Mrs. Smith told the doctor all about it. After hearing what Mrs. Smith said, the doctor gave them some medicine and said to Mrs. Smith, “This medicine is for your husband and these pills are for you.” “For me? ” the woman asked in surprise. “I am fine. I don’t need any medicine.” “They are sleeping pills. Your husband can soon get better if you take them,” said the doctor.


Tom lives on the twelfth floor in a tall building on Beijing Road. His aunt also lives in the building. She lives two floors below Tom. She is old and she lives alone. She has a very lovely cat named Kitty. Tom often visits his aunt and helps her do something. He loves the cat very much. And the cat loves him, too.

Last Thursday evening, Tom took a shower and went to bed. Suddenly he heard someone knocking at the door. He opened the door and was surprised to find the cat Kitty. Tom thought there must have been something wrong with his aunt. He telephoned her, but no one answered it. Tom ran out with the cat and rushed down the stairs to his aunt’s home. Just before he got to the door, he found a man with a bag running out of his aunt’s home. Tom shouted loudly for help. Someone called 110, and the police caught the man at last.



Section A

听录音。这些学生是怎样为考试而学习1b Listen. How do these students study for a

的?写出上面1a中的字母。 test? Write letters from 1a above.

男孩:嗨,同学们。星期二有一次大型Boy: Hey, everybody. There’s a big test on Tuesday.

考试。我非常需要一些帮助。你们I really need some help. Can you tell me how

能告诉我你们是如何为大型考试you study for a big test?


(同学们的)声音:当然!是的,我们Voices: Sure! Yes. Sure we will.


男孩:梅平,你在上次的英语考试中做Boy: You did really well on the last English test,

得很好,是不是? didn’t you, Meiping?

梅平:是啊,我做得还可以。 Meiping: Yeah, I did OK.

男孩:那么你是如何备考的? Boy: Well, how did you study for it?

梅平:通过制作单词卡。 Meiping: By making word cards.

也许我会尝试一下。那么你如何Boy: Maybe I’ll try that. So, how do you study for 男孩:

备考,彼得? a test, Peter?

通过向老师求助。她总是很高兴Peter: By asking the teacher for help. She’s always 彼得:

地回答我的问题。 happy to answer my questions.

男孩:那很有趣。你如何备考,托尼? Boy: That’s interesting. How do you study, Tony?

托尼:我喜欢通过听录音带学习。但有Tony: I like to study by listening to tapes. But

时我妈妈认为我在听音乐。然后她sometimes my mother thinks I’m listening to

会生气。 music. And then she gets mad.

男孩:哦,那我可能不会那样做。 Boy: Oh, maybe I won’t do that then.

听录音,标出(√)你所听到的问题。 2a Listen and check (√) the questions you


欢迎来到英语俱乐部。今天我们Man: Welcome to the English club. Today we’re going 男士:

要谈谈学习英语的最好的方法。有to talk about the best ways to learn English.

人通过看录像学习英语吗? Does anyone learn English by watching videos?

女孩1:没有。听懂英语口语太难了。 Girl 1: No. It’s too hard to understand spoken


Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? 男孩1:写英文日记怎么样?你用那种

方法学英语吗? Do you learn English that way?

女孩1:是的。它有助于我每天写英语。 Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every


男孩2:你曾参加过小组学习吗? Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group?

女孩2:是的,参加过!我用那种方法学Girl 2: Yes, I have! I’ve learned a lot that way.


男孩2:你和朋友一起用英语谈话吗? Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friends in


女孩2:哦,是的。它确实提高了我的Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.


Girl 1: What about reading aloud to practice pronu- 女孩1:大声读来练习发音怎么样?


Boy 1: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up new words in a


Boy 2: That’s a great idea!

2b Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.

Man: Welcome to the English club. Today we’re going

to talk about the best ways to learn English. Does anyone learn English by watching videos? Girl 1: No. It’s too hard to understand spoken English.

Boy 1: What about keeping a diary in English? Do you learn English that way?

Girl 1: Yes, I do. It helps to write English every day.

Boy 2: Have you ever studied with a group? Girl 2: Yes, I have! I’ve learned a lot that way.

Boy 2: Do you have conversations with friends in English?

Girl 2: Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills.

Girl 1:What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation?

Boy 1: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.

Girl 2: I do, too. And I often look up new words in

a dictionary.

Boy 2: That’s a great idea!




词典中查阅新单词。 男孩2:那是个好主意! 再听一遍录音,把下面的每个答案和上面的问题搭配起来。 男士:欢迎来到英语俱乐部。今天我们




方法学英语吗? 女孩1:是的。它有助于我每天写英语。

男孩2:你曾参加过小组学习吗? 女孩2:是的,参加过!我用那种方法









典中查阅新单词。 男孩2:那是个好主意!

Section B

1c Paul finds it difficult to learn English. Listen and complete the learning challenges he talks about.

Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.

Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. I’m having trouble

learning English.

Ms. Manson: You said you liked English. What’s

the problem?

Paul: I can’t get the pronunciation right.

Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why don’t

you listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?


曼森女士:你看起来很忧虑,保罗。 保罗:是的,曼森女士。我学英语有

困难。 曼森女士:你说过你喜欢英语。有什么





Paul: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new

words? I forget a lot of the new words.

Ms. Manson: You can always write the new words in

your notebook and review them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.

Paul: That might really help! Thanks.

Ms. Manson: Can you understand when people talk

to you?

Paul: Well, not always. Sometimes I just don’t

understand what people are saying.

Ms. Manson: Why don’t you join an English

language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Paul: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem is that I

don’t get much writing practice.

Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.

Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.

Thanks, Ms. Manson.

1d Listen again. Complete the solutions. Ms. Manson: You look worried, Paul.

Paul: I am, Ms. Manson. I’m having trouble

learning English.

Ms. Manson: You said you liked English. What’s

the problem?

Paul: I can’t get the pronunciation right.

Ms. Manson: Well, listening can help. Why don’t

you listen to English songs on the radio and repeat the difficult words?

Paul: That’s a good idea. But what about all the new

words? I forget a lot of the new words.

Ms. Manson: You can always write the new words in

your notebook and review them from time to time. You can even study on the subway on the way to school.

Paul: That might really help! Thanks.

Ms. Manson: Can you understand when people talk

to you?

Paul: Well, not always. Sometimes I just don’t

understand what people are saying.

Ms. Manson: Why don’t you join an English

language club to practice speaking English? The English club meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.





保罗:那也许确实有所帮助!谢谢。 曼森女士:当人们和你说话时,你能听



我就是不明白人们在说什么。 曼森女士:你为什么不加入一个英语语

言俱乐部来练习说英语呢?英语俱乐部在星期二和星期四放学后开放。 保罗:也许我会去。仅有的另外一个问题

是我没有得到大量的写作练习。 曼森女士:也许你应该找个笔友。 保罗:那听起来像是练习写作的一个有

趣的方法。谢谢你,曼森女士。 再听一遍录音,完成这些解决办法。 曼森女士:你看起来很忧虑,保罗。 保罗:是的,曼森女士。我学英语有

困难。 曼森女士:你说过你喜欢英语。有什么




不通过收音机听英文歌曲,并且重复那些很难的单词呢? 保罗:那是个好主意。但是所有的新单




保罗:那也许确实有所帮助!谢谢。 曼森女士:当人们和你说话时,你能听



我就是不明白人们在说什么。 曼森女士:你为什么不加入一个英语语



Paul: Maybe I’ll go. The only other problem is that I

don’t get much writing practice.

Ms. Manson: Maybe you should find a pen pal.

Paul: That sounds like a fun way to practice writing.

Thanks, Ms. Manson.


题是我没有得到大量的写作练习。 曼森女士:也许你应该找个笔友。 保罗:那听起来像是练习写作的一个有



Section A

1b Listen and T for true or F for false. Mary: What a great day! Bill: Yes, it was really fun! Mary: What did you like best?

Bill: I loved the races! They were really interesting

to watch. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were!

Mary: Yes! And look at the colors of the boats.

How pretty they were!

Bill: I agree! But I guess it was a little too crowded. Mary: I don’t know…I kind of like to have more

people around. It makes things more exciting. Bill: That’s true. Oh, and I really liked eating zongzi. Mary: Oh, me too! The sweet ones are my favorite.

Bill: I wonder if they’ll have the races again next


Mary: Of course! They have them every year.

Bill: Then I believe that I’ll be back again next

year to watch the races! Mary: Me, too!

2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and the correct words in the sentences.

Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming? Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in Hong


Harry: Wow! So what did you do?

Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot. I believe that we ate

at least five meals a day! How delicious the food is! I’ve put on five pounds!

Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hong Kong is delicious.

What else did you do?

Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great

place for shopping! I spent so much money.

听录音,正确的圈T,错误的圈F。 玛丽:多么棒的一天啊! 比尔:是的,确实很有意思! 玛丽:你最喜欢什么?




么美啊! 比尔:我同意!但我认为有点儿太拥挤了。 玛丽:我不知道……我有点儿喜欢和更

多的人在一起。它使事情更精彩。 比尔:那是真的。噢,我非常喜欢吃粽子。 玛丽:噢,我也是!那些甜的是我最喜




玛丽:当然了!他们每年都举行。 比尔:那么我相信我明年还要回来观看

比赛! 玛丽:我也是!


哈里:在假期中你做什么了,吴明? 吴明:我看望了我在香港的姑姑和




为我们一天至少吃五顿饭!那食物好吃极了!我胖了五磅! 哈里:哈哈!是的,香港的食物很好吃。

你还做了什么了? 吴明:当然是购物了。香港是一个购物



Harry: So what was the best part of the trip?

Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for sure.

They had teams from all over the world!

Harry: I’m planning a trip to Hong Kong next year.

I wonder whether June is a good time.

Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races.

But it’s quite hot in June. That’s one thing I didn’t like.

Harry: Oh, I don’t mind hot weather.

Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a

perfect time for you to visit.

2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart.

Harry: What did you do on your vacation, Wu Ming? Wu Ming: I visited my aunt and uncle in Hong


Harry: Wow! So what did you do?

Wu Ming: Well, we ate out a lot. I believe that we

ate at least five meals a day! How delicious the food is! I’ve put on five pounds!

Harry: Haha! Yes, the food in Hong Kong is delicious.

What else did you do?

Wu Ming: Shopping, of course. Hong Kong is a great

place for shopping! I spent so much money.

Harry: So what was the best part of the trip?

Wu Ming: Oh, the Dragon Boat Festival for sure.

They had teams from all over the world!

Harry: I’m planning a trip to Hong Kong next year.

I wonder whether June is a good time.

Wu Ming: Yes, if you want to see the boat races.

But it’s quite hot in June. That’s one thing I didn’t like.

Harry: Oh, I don’t mind hot weather.

Wu Ming: OK, then I think that June would be a

perfect time for you to visit.


的部分是什么? 吴明:噢,当然是端午节了。他们有来

自世界各地的队! 哈里:我正在计划明年去香港旅游。我

想知道6月是不是个好时间。 吴明:是的,如果你想看龙舟比赛的话。

但在6月,天气相当热。那是我不喜欢的一件事情。 哈里:噢,我不介意热天气。 吴明:好,那么我认为6月将是你参观



哈里:在假期中你做什么了,吴明? 吴明:我看望了我在香港的姑姑和




为我们一天至少吃五顿饭!那食物好吃极了!我胖了五磅! 哈里:哈哈!是的,香港的食物很好吃。

你还做了什么了? 吴明:当然是购物了。香港是一个购物


哈里:那么这次旅行中最好的部分是什么? 吴明:噢,当然是端午节了。他们有来

自世界各地的队! 哈里:我正在计划明年去香港旅游。我

想知道6月是不是个好时间。 吴明:是的,如果你想看龙舟比赛的话。

但在6月,天气相当热。那是我不喜欢的一件事情。 哈里:噢,我不介意热天气。 吴明:好,那么我认为6月将是你参观


Section B

1b Listen and answer the questions.

Wu Yu: Hey Jane, what do you know about


Jane: Oh, it’s a popular festival in North America. Wu Yu: We don’t really celebrate it in China. I

know that it’s in October, right?


一. 听力(一)

1.How does Cindy get some information about the Mid-autumn Festival?

A. By watching TV B. By using the Internet. C. By reading e-mails

2.Which is the funniest for Mary?3.Where will the speakers probably go?

A. April Fool’s DayB. Easter C. Christmas A. To Space World B. To Water World

4.What does the man want to buy? C. To Animal World

A. Some newspapers B. Some magazines C. some novels

5.What does Alice mean?

A. Her English teacher isn’t patient B. She can’t follow her English teacher.

C. Her English teacher’s class isn’t boring.

6.When did Gary go to Taiwan?

A. During ChristmasB. During the Dragon Boat FestivalC. During the Spring Festival

7.How many meals did Gary have a day in Taiwan?

A. 4 B. 5C. 6

8.What does the girl plan to do this summer holiday?

A. To go to Hong Kong B. To go to Taiwan C. To go to Macao

9.Where is Peter now?

A. In Beijing B. In Paris C. In London

10.How is the weather in Beijing?

A. WarmB. Cool C. Cold

11.When is Sandra’s father going on business?

A. Tomorrow B. Next week C. Next month

12.Who wants to learn Chinese?

A. Tom B. Tom’s sister C. Tom’s mother

13.What does Li Hua think is the first for a Chinese beginner?

A. Reading moreB. Practicing pronunciation more

C. Memorizing some words and grammar.

14.How many kinds of books does Li Hua advise the learner to buy?

A. 1B. 2 C. 3

15.Which Chinese traditional festival doesn’t Li Hua speak of ?

A. The Spring Festival B. The Dragon Boat Festival C. The Mid-autumn Festival

16.How old was Jane when her family moved to a new town?

A. 7B. 8 C. 9

17.How did Jane usually go to school ?

A. By bikeB. On foot C. By school bus

18.Why did Jane get up late one morning?

A. Because her mother forgot to wake her up. B. Because she was not feeling well.

C. Beause her alarm clock stopped.

19.Why did Jane make her mother go a long way to her school?

A. Because she only knew that way B. Because she wanted to stay with her mother longer

C. Because she wanted her mother to take other children to school

20.What do we know from the talk?

A. Jane was a kind girl B. The school wasn’t very far from Jane’s house

C. Jane’s mother enjoyed driving Jane to school



This term, Li Ming is more interested in English. ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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