时间:2017-06-19 05:49:27 来源:建材加盟网

篇一:外交部语料库 未完待续


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on April 23, 2015


At the invitation of Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council, Algerian Prime Minister

Abdelmalek Sellal will pay an official visit to China from April 28 to May 1.


China and Algeria attach great importance to the visit. President Xi Jinping and other leaders will meet with Prime Minister Sellal. Premier Li Keqiang will hold talks with him. There will be an in-depth discussion on a wide range of topics, including to further cement and deepen

China-Algeria comprehensive strategic partnership, and step up practical cooperation in different fields, as well as international and regional issues of common interest.


Friendship between China and Algeria runs deep. Algeria has made significant contribution to the restoration of China’s lawful seat in the United Nations. Over recent years, China-Algeria relations have attained all-round, rapid and in-depth growth, political mutual trust between the two countries deepened, practical cooperation in various areas borne rich fruits and close coordination and collaboration been maintained on international and regional issues. China-Algeria relations were put on a new starting point in February, 2014 when the comprehensive strategic partnership was established. The Chinese side puts high values on its relationship with Algeria. We are ready to make joint efforts with the Algerian side to further increase bilateral exchanges and cooperation across the board, move forward the comprehensive strategic partnership and make sure that China-Algeria friendship will create more benefits for the two countries and two peoples.


China is pushing for international cooperation on production capacity, a move embodies the

deep integration of Chinese and world economy at a higher level. The Office of Public Diplomacy of the Foreign Ministry, the General Office of the People’s Government of Hebei Province and China Public Diplomacy Association will jointly hold the 11th Lanting Forum under the theme of promoting international cooperation on production capacity at 9:30 a.m. on April 28 (Tuesday). Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Governor Zhang Qingwei of Hebei Province will attend and address the forum. Representatives of foreign diplomats in China, experts, scholars and

representatives from relevant sectors will deliver keynote speeches and take questions. Friends from the press are welcome to cover the event upon invitation.


Q: The new round of talks on a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue will be held in Vienna this week. Can you shed some light on China’s attendance at and expectations for the meeting?


A: The P5+1 and Iran will hold a new round of negotiation on a comprehensive agreement at the political director-general’s level in Vienna on April 24, following an experts’ meeting. Deputy Director-General Kang Yong of the Department of Arms Control of the Chinese Foreign Ministry will attend this round of negotiation as head of the Chinese delegation. The Chinese side hopes that all parties will keep up the good work after they have achieved consensus on the “key

elements” of a comprehensive agreement, accommodate each other’s concerns, completely resolve the outstanding issues at an early date and accumulate more favorable conditions for the conclusion of a comprehensive agreement on time.


Q: First, Chinese nuclear experts reportedly told American specialists during their meeting that the DPRK may be in possession of a nuclear arsenal larger than before. Can you confirm that? Second, the Russian Ambassador to the ROK said that DPRK Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un may attend activities commemorating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow on May 9. Will President Xi Jinping meet with Kim Jong-un at that time? Is there any preparation for the meeting?


A: On your first question, I am not aware of the specifics. The Chinese side holds a

consistent and clear position on the Korean nuclear issue. We stay committed to safeguarding peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula, realizing denuclearization on the Peninsula and resolving relevant issues through dialogue and consultation.


On your second question, China and the DPRK are friendly neighbors. We attach importance to developing relations with the DPRK. As for the meeting between the two leaders, it depends on the two sides’ convenience.


Q: Chinese and Japanese leaders met with each other yesterday. How does China comment on that?


A: Yesterday, President Xi Jinping met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the latter’s request on the sidelines of the Asian-African Summit in Jakarta. They exchanged views on China-Japan relations.


President Xi Jinping pointed out that the general principle governing China-Japan relations is abiding by the spirit of the four political documents between China and Japan and keeping the bilateral relationship on the right course of development. The history issue is a major matter of principle concerning the political basis of China-Japan relations. It is hoped that the Japanese side would take seriously the concerns of its Asian neighbors and send out a positive message of facing up to the history.


President Xi Jinping stressed that China and Japan should adopt positive policies toward each other. The Chinese side is willing to increase dialogue and communication with the Japanese side to remove mistrust and turn the consensus of China and Japan being cooperative partners that pose no threat to each other as stated in the four political documents into a common view shared by the public of the two countries.


President Xi Jinping highlighted that China sticks fast to the path of peaceful development and hopes that Japan will join China and make greater contributions to peace, stability and prosperity of the region and the world. Leaders of the two countries should shoulder due responsibilities in this regard.


The meeting has charted the course for the improvement and development of China-Japan relations in the next step.

问:据报道,两名日本内阁成员23日上午参拜了靖国神社。中方对此有何评论?Q: It is reported that two Japanese cabinet members paid homage to the Yasukuni Shrine this morning. What is China’s comment on that?


A: The visit by relevant Japanese cabinet members to the Yasukuni Shrine where Class-A war criminals of WWII are enshrined lays bare their wrong attitude toward history. The Chinese side firmly opposes that.


I would like to reiterate that China-Japan relations can realize sound and steady growth only when Japan faces squarely and has deep self-reflection on the history of aggression, and makes a clean break with militarism. We urge the Japanese side to stay true to its statements and

commitments about reflecting upon the history of aggression, and properly deal with relevant issues with a sense of responsibility.


Q: The Hong Kong SAR government released its election plan yesterday. International

rights groups once again bombarded the plan with criticism, saying that it rejects the international law and betrays the democratic aspiration of the Hong Kong people. How does China respond to that?


A: These remarks are utterly unjustifiable. The Consultation Report and Proposals on the Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage (Consultation Report and Proposals) published by the Hong Kong SAR government is a comprehensive reflection of

opinions and suggestions given by the Hong Kong public on the selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage. The proposals are in line with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR and the decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), conform to the realities of Hong Kong and take into account the interests and aspirations of people from different social strata and sectors of Hong Kong. It is a lawful, feasible, sensible and practical plan.


It is the longstanding position of the Chinese central government that strong support should be given to the Hong Kong SAR government in promoting democracy in a progressive manner till the final realization of universal suffrage in accordance with the Basic Law and the decision made by the NPC Standing Committee. The five-step process of constitutional development in Hong Kong has come to a critical stage. We sincerely hope that people from all walks of life in Hong Kong will build up consensus, seize the historic opportunity and strive to realize the goal of selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage in 2017 as scheduled.


I want to stress that Hong Kong affairs are China’s domestic affairs. External forces have no right to interfere.

问:昨天中日两国领导人举行了会见,这次会晤与去年两国领导人会晤有何区别?Q: With regard to yesterday’s meeting between Chinese and Japanese leaders, can you tell us the difference between this meeting and the one last year?


A: It is our hope that China-Japan relations will always stick to the right direction and achieve sound and steady growth. It is hoped that the Japanese side will meet China halfway.


篇一:外交部发言人--定稿 2


行动都是非法无效的 据新华社电 (记者张艺、许栋诚)外交部发言人洪磊3日在例行记者会上表示,日本对钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿采取任何单方面行动都是非法无效的,中国坚决反对。 洪磊说,中国已就日本东京都政府派出调查团抵达钓鱼岛海域一事向日方提出严正交涉。钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国固有领土,中国对此拥有无可争辩主权。日方对钓鱼岛采取任何单方面行动都是非法、无效的。

洪磊指出,《美日安保条约》是冷战时期产物,不应超出双边范畴,不应损害第三方的利益。中国希望美国从地区和平稳定大局出发,切实体现对钓鱼岛主权归属问题不持立场的态度。 针对日本政府已经表达了从钓鱼岛“土地所有者”手中“购岛”的意愿,洪磊说:“日方对这些岛屿采取任何单方面措施都是非法无效的,中方坚决反对。日方试图通过所谓‘国有化’强化其非法立场的图谋是徒劳的。”


外交部发言人: 希望美方多做有利于地区和平稳定的事

据新华社北京9月4日电 外交部发言人洪磊4日在例行记者会上就有关南海问题答问时说,中方注意到美方多次表示在南海主权争议问题上不持立场,希望美方言行一致,多做有利于地区和平稳定的事,而不是相反。

洪磊说,今年以来,中国同东盟国家举行了两次落实《南海各方行为宣言》高官会,各方一致同意全面有效落实《宣言》。希望有关各方切实遵守有关共识,增进互信,推动合作,避免采取可能导致事态扩大化和复杂化的行动,共同维护南海和平稳定。同时,按照《宣言》的原则和精神,在协商一致的基础上朝着制定“南海行为准则”而努力。中方希望其他国家尊重、支持中国和东盟国家为此所做的努力,多做增进互信、有利稳定的事。 洪磊表示,南海问题是一个复杂的概念,各方理解和关注重点不尽相同,对自身利益的认识自然也会有所差别。就中方而言,南海问题的核心是中国南沙群岛的部分岛礁被侵占所引发的领土主权争议及相关海域海洋权益主张重叠问题。

外交部发言人:中国对叙利亚当前局势深感忧虑 新华网北京9月3日电(记者许栋诚、张艺)外交部发言人洪磊3日在例行记者会上说,中国对叙利亚当前局势深感忧虑。


“当前形势下,有关各方在叙利亚问题上更应坚持政治解决的正确方向。我们敦促叙利亚有关各方立即停火止暴,落实安理会有关决议、安南‘六点建议’和叙利亚问题‘行动小组’外长会议公报,尽快开启并推进由叙利亚人民主导的政治过渡。”洪磊说。 他表示,国际社会应支持普拉希米联合特别代表开展公开斡旋,平衡做叙利亚有关各方工作,推动局势尽快缓和下来。












外交部发言人就梁光烈在印度访问情况等答记者问 2012年9月4日,外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会。





本届论坛是在世界经济下行压力仍较大、不稳定不确定因素较多、国际金融市场持续动荡、国际贸易增速显著下滑、世界经济复苏明显放缓的背景下举行的,主题为“塑造未来经济”。 中方希望本届论坛充分讨论当前世界经济面临的突出问题,传递积极信息,为推动世界经济复苏凝聚信心和力量。















中国人民坚持自己选择的社会制度和发展道路,不允许外部势力干涉中国内政。坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上,同所有国家发展友好合作,不同任何国家和国家集团结盟,不以社会制度和意识形态异同决定国家关系的亲疏。尊重各国人民自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,不干涉别国内部事务,反对以大欺小、以强凌弱,反对霸权主义和强权政治。坚持通过求同存异、对话协商解决矛盾分歧,不把自己的意志强加于人。坚持从中国人民的根本利益和世界人民的共同利益出发,根据事情本身的是非曲直确定立场和政策,秉持公道,伸张正义,在国际事务中积极发挥建设性作用。 新中国建国初期的外交方针,概括起来就是“一边倒”“另起炉灶”和“打扫干净屋子再请客”。这是新中国领导人根据国际形势的总特点而制定的符合中国实际的外交方针。目的是加强与该国的合作和交往,更好地促进自身的发展,有利于维护中国的独立自主,也符合两国人民的长远利益,有利于推进世界的和平与发展事业。中国奉行独立自主的外交政策就成为历史的必然。


力于同世界各国一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。和平发展道路是中国这个世界上最大的发展中国家探索出的一条新型发展道路,随着时间的推移,这条道路已经并将进一步显示出其世界意义。 中国的独立了自主到和平发展外交战略的演变是由中国的国情和国际社会的环境决定的,中国的独立自主到和平发展的外交战略演变符合国家利益的需要,具有鲜明的中国社会主义特色。篇三:外交部发言稿

外交部发言人秦刚就马来西亚总理对弹丸礁宣示主权答记者问 foreign ministry spokesperson qin gangs remarks on malaysian prime minister claiming sovereignty over the danwan reef


q: it’s reported that malaysian prime minister badawi inspected the danwan reef of the nansha islands on march 5 and claimed sovereignty over the reef and adjacent waters. how does china respond to this?



foreign ministry spokesperson qin gangs remarks on the attack on the sri lankanational cricket team


a: the chinese government strongly condemns this attack. we convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.


foreign ministry spokesperson qin gangs remarks on the issuance of arrest warrant to sudanese president by the international criminal court

答:中方对国际刑事法院发出对苏丹总统的逮捕令表示遗憾和不安。当前国际社会的首要任务是维护达尔富尔地区局势稳定,继续推进政治进程和联合国/非盟混合行动部署。中方反对任何可能干扰达区和苏丹和平大局的举动。我们希望安理会尊重和听取非盟、阿盟和不结盟运动成员的呼声,根据《罗马规约》第16条采取必要行动,要求国际刑事法院暂停审理此案。 2014年1月2日,外交部发言人秦刚主持例行记者会。

foreign ministry spokesperson qin gang held a press conference on january 2, 2014. 秦刚说,女士们、先生们,欢迎大家出席2014年首场外交部例行记者会。在新的一年里,我们将继续通过这个平台,向大家更好地介绍中国外交。我们也希望媒体的朋友们能够向世界报道好中国,解读好中国。祝愿大家在新的一年里工作顺利,万事如意。

秦刚随后发布消息:应埃塞俄比亚外长特沃德罗斯·阿达诺姆、吉布提外交和国际合作部长马哈茂德·阿里·优素福、加纳外交与地区一体化部长汉娜·特塔赫、塞内加尔外交和海外侨民部长曼克尔·恩迪亚耶邀请,外交部长王毅将于1月6日至11日访问上述四国。 qin gang then made an announcement: at the invitation of foreign minister tewodros adhanom of ethiopia, foreign minister mahamoud ali youssouf of djibouti, minister of foreign affairs and regional integration hannah tetteh of ghana and minister of foreign affairs and senegalese abroad mankeur ndiaye of senegal, chinese foreign minister wang yi will visit the above four countries from january 6 to 11.



chinas diplomacy has kept up a fine tradition since 1991, that is, chinese

foreign ministers would choose african countries as the destinations of their first overseas visits at the beginning of every new year. it embodies the importance attached by china to africa and china-africa traditional friendship. this time is no exception. foreign minister wang yi carries forward the tradition of chinas diplomacy. this will also be the first time for the chinese foreign minister to visit the sub-saharan africa under the new leadership. both sides are looking forward to the visit.访问期间,王毅外长将与往访国的领导人和外长就双边关系以及共同关心的国际和地区问题深入交换意见。我们相信在双方共同努力下,这次访问一定会达到增进友好、互信与合作的目的,推动中国与上述四国双边关系以及中非友好合作关系的发展。



a: china always requires the us to transfer chinese suspects held at the guantanamo bay to china. we are firmly opposed to the us transfer of the aforementioned suspects to any third country or any other countrys acceptance of them in any name. these suspects are members of the east turkistan islamic movement, a terrorist organization designated by the un security council. they are terrorists without any doubt. they will not only pose severe threat to chinas national security, but also to that of the recipient country. china hopes that relevant countries could earnestly fulfill international




Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hong Lei’s Regular Press Conference on March 17, 2015




Upon consultation, the 7th Trilateral Foreign Ministers’ Meeting among China, Japan and the ROK will be held on March 21 in Seoul, the ROK. Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the meeting, and foreign ministers of the three countries will review the cooperation progress and exchange views on the principles that should be followed and future development of trilateral cooperation.


Q: According to media reports, Vanuatu was hit hard by super cyclone Pam and suffered serious losses. Does China know about the situation of Chinese citizens and institutions there? Please tell us more about what China has done.

答:3月13日,瓦努阿图遭遇超强飓风“帕姆”袭击后,中国驻瓦使馆高度关注在瓦中国公民和机构受灾状况,多方了解核实。截至目前,使馆未收到中国公民在灾害中死亡的报告。 A: After Vanuatu was ravaged by super cyclone Pam on March 13, the Chinese Embassy in Vanuatu followed closely how Chinese citizens and institutions there were affected and checked on their situation through various channels. So far the Embassy hasn’t received any report of Chinese citizen being killed in the disaster.


The Chinese Embassy in Vanuatu has reminded Chinese citizens and institutions there to increase security awareness, step up security precaution so as to reduce and avoid personal and property loss.

问:据报道,法国、德国、意大利均表示同意加入亚投行。中方能否证实?对此有何评论? Q: France, Germany and Italy have agreed to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Can you confirm this and make a comment?


A: The AIIB is a multilateral development institution that is open and inclusive. Interested countries are welcome to make their decision of joining the AIIB as perspective members as soon as possible. The wide participation of countries in and out of this region exemplifies the representativeness of the AIIB. China is willing to work with all parties to build the AIIB into a professional and efficient infrastructure investment and financing platform where all parties can gain benefits, and make contributions to regional infrastructure building and economic development.


Q: Last year, China and the ROK sealed the China-ROK Consular Accord which will take effect in April. Please confirm this and give us more details.


A: On July 3, 2014, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his ROK counterpart Yun Byung-se, as the representatives of China and the ROK, signed the China-ROK Consular Accord in Seoul. China and the ROK have completed domestic legal procedures required for the accord to come into effect on April 12, 2015.


The China-ROK Consular Accord is the 49th bilateral consular treaty signed by China. Serving as a fundamental legal document of bilateral people-to-people exchanges, the Accord will better guarantee China-ROK personnel exchanges on legal grounds, provide more legal basis for the two countries to safeguard their citizens’ legitimate rights and interests in each other’s country, and solidify China-ROK consular cooperation.


Q: First, will Foreign Minister Wang Yi meet with his Japanese counterpart when he visits the ROK? Second, media reports say that Foreign Minister Wang Yi attended a meeting in Yunnan yesterday. What are the arrangements for his visit to Yunnan? Has he planned to inspect the China-Myanmar border area or talk to Myanmar officials about the bombing incident with Myanmar warplane involved?

答:关于第一个问题,在出席中日韩外长会期间,中日韩三国外长一般都会有接触交流,就三国合作、双边关系、地区和国际问题等交换意见和看法。中日双方正就有关安排进行沟通。 A: On your first question, when attending the trilateral foreign ministers’ meeting, foreign ministers from China, Japan and the ROK usually have contact and exchanges with each other on

trilateral cooperation, bilateral relations and regional and international issues. China and Japan are now in communication with each other on relevant arrangement.


On your second question, Foreign Minister Wang Yi was in Yunnan to brief the Yunnan provincial party committee and government on China’s current diplomatic work. While in Yunnan, he talked with officials from the Yunnan provincial party committee and government on the current situation along the China-Myanmar border area and discussed work plans.


Q: What assurance has China given to the prospective founding members of the AIIB on its transparency and governance?


A: As we have elaborated, the AIIB will follow the principles of openness, inclusiveness, transparency, responsibility and fairness in designing its governance structure and operation policy. While drawing upon the good practices of existing multilateral development banks, the AIIB will avoid taking detours as others have done so as to cut the cost and operate more effectively. China always abides by such principles when communicating with relevant countries.


Q: On March 16, the Japanese Foreign Ministry posted on its website a map published by China in 1969 with the Diaoyu Dao marked as “Senkaku Islands”. How does China comment on this?


A: I have never seen the map you mentioned. I want to tell you that the Diaoyu Dao and its affiliated islands are China’s inherent territory, and this is an indisputable fact backed by sufficient historical and jurisprudential evidence. No one can ever deny this historical fact by wasting their contrivances on one or two maps. If you need, I can find you one hundred, even one thousand maps that clearly mark the Diaoyu Dao as Chinese territory.

问:亚投行已得到西方国家支持。请问中方倡议成立的亚投行与世界银行等有何区别? Q: The AIIB has won support from western countries. What do you think are the differences between the China-initiated AIIB and the World Bank?


A: The AIIB will effectively cooperate with and complement the existing multilateral development banks such as the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank to provide investment and financing for the infrastructure building in Asia. We hope that they can forge good interactions and jointly contribute to Asia’s economic development and infrastructure improvement.


Q: The ROK Defense Ministry today said that China was attempting to influence America’s deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in the ROK, and neighboring countries should not interfere in ROK’s security policy. What is China’s response to this?


A: China holds a consistent and clear stance on the anti-missile issue. When pursuing its own security interests, one country should take into account other’s security concerns as well as regional peace and stability. We hope certain countries can be prudent when handling relevant issues.

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