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(一)优秀教师、优秀教育工作者必须具备如下政治条件: 1、具有较高的思想政治素养,认真学习邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想,自觉贯彻落实科学发展观;积极要求进步,品德端正,崇尚科学,具有强烈的事业心和社会责任感。





2、教学水平高,教学效果好,教学评价排名处于学院前列。 3、在教书育人和科学研究方面有较突出的表现。 (三)优秀教育工作者应具备如下基本岗位条件:








4、在维护学院安全稳定等方面做出突出成绩的人员。 5、在参与学院经营中成绩特别突出的人员。 四、评选程序与表彰方法















组长:张乐方 副组长:刘生




What makes love lasting?

A:Hello,everyone. Today, we will talk something makes love lasting?

B:ok, let me just say. I think the mutual trust and loyalty are essential to make the love lasting .A sturdy love relationship is established on mutual trust and loyalty which cannot be easily altered to maintain genuine relationships .On one hand ,mutual trust is the most basic emotional quality between a love relationship and if we are in trouble we need trust each other to tide over the difficult patch mutually .So enhance the mutual trust between a love relationship is very simple ,we need the others about the integrity ,tolerance to others and to understand others. On the other hand, loyalty is a essential to consolidate the relationship, because it is the basic foundation for people to trust and communicate with each other once lack of this element will be difficult to make the love lasting. To sum up, if we want to make love lasting, we should emphasize the significance of mutual trust and loyalty with each other.

C:I think so. But as we all know, when loves live a long time, they will find each other is not good as before, and they also will find many bad habits each other, they will fight just for some little things. The contradictions will become more and more serious, even leading to the relationship been broken up. Forgiveness is the key to solve contradictions. If we love somebody, we should learn to forgive. Because sometimes he or she doesn't love you the way you want them to, it doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. Everybody has his or her advantages and shortcomings. If we love somebody, we should love all belonging to somebody and communicate frequently. Only for this, we can gain a romantic and longtime relationship between our lovers.

D:yeah……Meanwhile, communication is the premise to forgiveness, which includes speaking with your love frequently and listening to your partner patiently. Everyone are different from each other, it is through communication that you can tell your love what you are

thinking, what you want. You need to talk to each other. Talking can also make a relationship strong. As you go through things, if something is upsetting you, take the time and say “Hey, could we talk about this? I'm feeling a little insecure about this. I'm feeling a little bothered. “It is also important to say things openly and honestly. Well, listening to your partner patiently and show your love can solve any problems.

A:mutual trust and loyalty,forgiveness,communication……As our textbook teach us, love, especially long-term love, has nothing in common with the images of love .as a matter of fact, real love is neither exciting nor thrilling but is relatively mundane and uealistic. However, love is a compulsory course in life; we should have the confidence to embrace our own love with the ability! Do you think?

BCD:yes! Thank you

2.What are the ways to deal with stress?

A:Along with the accelerated pace of people’s life, a lot of people are faced with great stress, which will results in various diseases and serious social problems provided people are under such a condition for a long period of time. Thus, it is extremely necessary for these stressed people to adopt some reasonable and effective ways to deal with their stress.

B: Relatively speaking, I reckon that doing exercise is quiet useful, after all, this is one of the most direct way. As it has been known, Taking exercise is fairly a simple way to reduce physical stress. With exercising time increasing, people can have their tense nerves and tired body relaxed to a certain extant through dripping with sweat. Then, people will be inclined to calm down and not think about too much relating on stressful

things. On account of the enhancement of metabolism through regular exercise, people will get healthy and feel energetic gradually.

C:For physical stress, taking exercise is an effective way; but I think go to travel is beneficial for the body and mind to deal with the stress in our study and work. A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted .A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work and study often makes one feel bored. In addition, travel can not only relieve our stress, but also widen our knowledge. The farther we go, the more we will learn about different politics, economics, customs and their like. Take a journey will make us to forget the displeasure in our life and deal with the stress fatly and effectively .To sum up, if we are puzzled by our work and study. We can travel by ourselves or with our friends.

D:For the method of tackling pressure, the way you said only in some way either mental or physical, but in order to deal with pressure radically, we should have a method of the system. Firstly, we should have a good attitude toward life. After all, life has not only sunshine, but also hard times. Secondly, we need to choose the right way to release the pressure,like playing basketball, running or swimming. Thirdly, we can ask our teachers or good friends for help, commutate with them and tell them the difficulties we are facing. Last but not least, we should make a reasonable plan which we can easy to access.

A:As a student, it's typical for us to keep physical and mental health. If we are in poor health, we can accomplish nothing. If we can do things above, I think we can do a good job in our future.

ABCD:Thank you!

3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a private car? A: Nowadays, there are more and more people owning private cars. On the one hand, some wealthy people who either are the boss of the private company or the white-collar managers in big companies have their private cars. On the other hand, some young people who are future-minded buy private cars ahead of their income by loans from banks. Is it a good or bad thing to have a private car?

B:Some claim that there are many advantages brought about buying run escape items . First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun. So, it plays a very important part in providing its owner with convenience, enabling the owner to go where he wants to quickly and easily, and saving a lot of time which may be wasted by waiting for other vehicles. C: Ok, now I will list some disadvantages about the private cars. Like many people said, the private cars will cause the traffic jam and the

serious air pollution. In addition, having a private will spend more money such as the cost of car of repairing, the insurance of cars, and the cost of parking space. To a general family, having a private will bring them more stress of money and spirit. Because they must to consider the safety of driving their own cars frequently and must take care of their skill of driving so that reduce the risk of traffic accident. What’s more, having a private car will waste a great deal of energy. So I think we should not ignore these disadvantages about the private cars.

D: Before private cars became accessible to the general public, people who dreamed of owning their own cars only saw the benefits of having one. Yet, with the boom in car-ownership in the cities, people increasingly complain about the shortcomings of car ownership and its side-effects on the environment. Owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages. So I think we should take advantages of private cars and make them serve us better. Meantime we should pay much attention to the environmental protection.

A:In short, owning a private car has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is advisable that we should pay much attention to the environmental protection by not having a private car if we have little or no practical use of the private car.

4. Which plays a more important role in the personal development, home education or school education? Why?

A:hello,everybody,today we will discuss about the topic of which do you think is more important ,home education or school education ?You can speak freely, who is the first?

B:I come first,in my view,Home education is a phenomenon which is


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执 政 党 的 历 史 命 运


类号 级

单位代码 研究生学号

硕 士 学 位 论 文

论文题目A Research on the Emergentism


研究生姓名 专业名称 指导教师姓名 学 院 论文提交日期

李一林 英语语言文学 张三航 教授 外国语学院 2010年4月


号 级

单位代码 研究生学号

硕 士 学 位 论 文



研究生姓名 专业名称 指导教师姓名 学 院 论文提交日期

李一林 英语语言文学 张三航 教授 外国语学院 2010年4月

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