时间:2017-06-25 10:39:46 来源:建材加盟网



1.在数位顺序表中,从右边起第二位是()位,第四位是()位,万位在第( )位。

2.5436里面有()个千、()百、()个十和()个一。由6个千、2个百和7个十组成的数是( )。

3.3500中的“5”表示( ),5300中的“5”表示( )。

4.最大的四位数是( ),与它相邻的两个数是( )和( )。

5.在( )里填上“千克”或“克”。

6.3千克=( )克( )千克=8000克


899○10607210○7205 6千克○5999克

8.在2、6、0、0组成的四位数中,一个零都不读出来的是( ),只读一个零的数是( ),最大的是( ),最小的是( )。 9.在1030、2918、3027、2981这四个数中,最接近3000的数是( )。

10.(1)下面的商品中,价钱最便宜的是( ),最贵的是( )。这两种商品的价钱相差()元。

(2)7000元正好能买到( )和( )两件商品。


1. 五千八百 四千二百六十一 三千零七 二千九百零五

2905 3007 5800 4261




80÷2= 48÷4=60×4=5000-2000=

66÷3= 72-6=40÷2=8000+2000=

92÷4= 55÷5=90÷9=7000-3000=



93÷9 72÷6★38÷7


84÷6=88÷8= 96÷8=

84÷2÷3=88÷2÷4= 96÷4÷2=

84÷14 96÷16






书 名 单 价 数 量 总 价

《寓言故事》 ( )元 3本 45元

《十万个为什么》 ( )元 5本 70元

《科技乐园》 8元 12本 ( )元


(1)猪肉和牛肉一共运来多少千克? (3分)













1.在一个三角形中,∠1=36o ∠2=44o∠3=()这是一个()三角形。

2.从三角形的一个顶点到对边的()是三角形的高,这条对边是三角形的( )。

3.一个直角三角形的一个锐角是38o,另一个锐角是( )



( )

()( )


7. 8升=()毫升4升=()毫升

19000毫升=( )升10000毫升=()升

8.一个等腰三角形,它的一个底角是顶角的4倍,顶角是()°,一个等腰三角形的顶角是一个底角的4倍,这个三角形的底角是( )°。

9.下图中,已知AB=AC, ∠1 =( )10. 在( )里填上“升”、“毫升”。

∠2=() ∠3=( ) 一瓶酱油500( )一个高压锅能装6( )

一瓶色拉油5( ) 一瓶红葡萄酒750( )

A 70o一缸水100( )一瓶全无敌气雾剂600( )

1 11.在○里填上“﹥”、“﹤”或“=”。

2 3 8500毫升○8升 6000毫升○5升 301毫升○3001毫升

B C 7000毫升○7升 1001毫升○999升13升○1300毫升

12. 等腰三角形的底角是75°,顶角是( ),等边三角形的每个内角都是()。


1. 将一个大三角形用剪刀剪成两个小三角形,每个小三角形的内角和是90o。………………( )

2. 三个角相等的三角形一定是等边三角形,等边三角形也是等腰三角形。……………………( )

3. 有一个角是70o的等腰三角形一定是锐角三角形。……………………………………………( )

4. 沿着等边三角形的一条高对折,左右两边完全重合。…………………………………………( )

5. 等腰三角形一定是锐角三角形。…………………………………………………………………( )

6. 一个钝角三角形的内角和比一个锐角三角形的内角和大。……………………………………( )

7. 一个三角形中最多有一个直角或一个钝角。………………………………………………… ( )

8. 4500毫升相当于4升外加500毫升。 ……………………………………………………… ( )

9. 3厘米、3厘米、6厘米的三条线段能围成等腰三角形。………………………………………( )

10. 一瓶娃哈哈有180升。…………………………………………………………………………()


1. 直角三角形有( )条高。

A.1B.2 C.3

2.张红想用一根9厘米的小棒和4厘米长、5厘米长的小棒围成三角形,结果发现( )。

A.围成一个任意三角形 B.围成一个直角三角形C.围不成三角形


A.一定是 B.不一定是 C.一定不是

4. 把2升水倒入500毫升的量杯,可以倒( )杯。

A. 2B. 3 C. 4

5. 一脸盆水大约有()

A. 100升 B. 10升 C. 1升

6. 甲容器里盛水600毫升,乙容器盛水1200毫升,从乙容器里倒( )毫升的水,甲、乙容器里的水就同样多了。

A. 300 B. 600 C. 200

7. 一个三角形中至少有( )个锐角。

A. 1 B. 2C. 3

8. 一个三角形中,一个内角的度数等于另外两个内角的和的2倍,这个三角形是( )三角形。

A. 锐角B. 直角 C. 钝角


1.画出下面每个三角形底边上的高,并标出高度是多少毫米。 2.画一个顶角是70o,腰长3cm的等腰三角形。


()毫米 ( )毫米()毫米

3 .数一数,有()个三角形


1.一个直角三角形的锐角是48o,2.一个等腰三角形的一个底角是66o,它的顶 另一个锐角是多少度? 角是多少度?

3.一个等边三角形的周长与一个边长 4.用一根长60厘米的铁丝折成一个底是26厘米 是18厘米的正方形周长相等,这 的等腰三角形,求这个三角形腰长。


5.下图两个都是等腰三角形,求∠1是几度? 6.如图,求∠1是几度?

80° 1

7. 一瓶光明牛奶的容量是2升,明明每天喝8. 甲容器可盛水200毫升,乙容器比甲容器多200毫升,喝了8天。这些牛奶喝完了吗? 盛水50毫升,丙容器的容量是乙容器的2倍, 丙容器可盛水多少毫升?


第一部分 听力部分(20%)

Ⅰ. 听小对话, 选择图片。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

1. What’s the matter with Mike?


2. What does Toby want to eat?

A. B. C.

3. How does Frank usually get to school?


4. What does Tom have to do?

A. B.C.

5. Where are they going for vacation?

A. B.C.

Ⅱ. 听小对话,回答问题。(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)

6. How often does Tina eat junk food?

A. Hardly ever. B. Twice a month. C. Every day.

7. What should Bill do?

A. See a doctor. B. Drink hot tea with honey. C. Lie down and rest.

8. When is Alice going to Taiwan?

A. This Friday.B. This weekend . C. Next Friday.

9. Who is more athletic?

A. Liu Ying.B. Liu Li. C. We don’t know.

10. How long does it take Mary’s father to get to work?

A. 40 minutesB. 30 minutesC. 10 minutes

Ⅲ. 听长对话,回答问题。(共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)


11. What’s the matter with Tom?

A. He has a coldB.He has a fever. C. He has a headache .

12.When did it start ?

A.This morni ng .B.Yesterday evening . C Yesterday morning


13. What’s Alice doing for vacation ?

A. Se is going shopping .B. She is going to the beaches .

C. She’s going to the mountains .

14. Who is Alice going with ?

A. Her parents .B. His son .C. We don’t know .

15. How long is Tony staying in Hong Kong ?

A. Three days . B. Five days . C. Six days .

Ⅳ. 听短文,回答问题。(共5小题; 每小题1 分,满分5 分)

16. How old is Gina?

A. 14.B. 15. C. 16.

17. What is Gina doing this Sunday?

A. She is going to her friends’ house. B. She is having a birthday party.

C. She is shopping with her friends.

18. Can Mary come to the party?

A. No, she can’t. B. Yes, she can.C. We don’t know.

19. Why can’t Emma come to the party?

A. She has to study for a test. B. She has to see the dentist.

C. She has to do homework.

20. How many friends are coming to the party?

A. 2. B. 3.C. 4.

第二部分 笔试部分(80分)



21. —________do you surf the Internet?

— Once a week.

A. How long B. How often C. How muchD. How far

22. — Are you spending your hol iday at home?

— No. I’m going to visit ________ in Shanghai.

A. interesting somewhere B. somewhere interesting

C. interest somewhere D. somewhere interested

23. — A new 3D movie is on. Shall we go and see it this weekend?

— What’s it?

A. Why not? B. My pleasure.C. You are right.D. I saw it yesterday.

24. — How do you go to school?

— My home is next to the school, so I usually _________ to school.

A. walkB. take a bus C. ride a bikeD. take a taxi

25. — Which subject do you like , English, Chinese or maths?

— English.

A. bestB. wellC. betterD. good

26. .I think Jack does his homework _________than his sister.

A. carefulB. more carefully C. carefully D. more careful

27. —______________ does your uncle live from here?

— About 20 miles.

A. How longB. How oftenC. Where D. How far

28. — Thank you for ______ me _______ the housework. —My pleasure.

A. help; to do B. help; with C. helping; doing D. helping; do

29. — He is working hard now.

— He tries ___ English. So he practices ___ English every day.

A. to learn, to speak B. learning, spe ak

C. to learn, speaking D. learning, to speak

30. — Which is ______ country, Canada or Australia? —Canada

A. a large B. larger C. a largerD. the larger

31. — How often does Gina take the bus to school?

— She ______ takes the bus because she likes walking there.

A. hardly ever B. always C. often D. Usually

32. — What are we going to do on Sunday?

— How about ?

A. to go bike riding B. going bike to ride

C . going to bike ridingD. going bike riding

33. — She looks .

— Yes, because she has avacation.

A. relaxed,relaxed B. relaxing,relaxed

C. relaxed,relaxingD. relax,relaxing

34. — You never eat junk food, do you?

— , though it’s not good for my health.

A. Yes, I doB. Yes, I don’tC. No , I don’t D. No , I do

35. Exercise helps ______ .

A. to keep health B. to keep in good healthy

C. keeping healthyD. keep healthy

36. This scarf doesn’t cost as____ as that one.

A. cheaper B. much C. expensive D. more

37. —I like KFC.

—We should not eat ________junk food.

A. too manyB. too much C. many too D. much too

38. —Although we bought Granny a present, _____ she didn't like it. What shall we do ? — I think she will like it later.

A. but B. and C. / D. so

39. —What's the matter with you, Peter?


A. I'm going to leave here.B. I have a bad cold.

C. I want to go shopping. D. I'm taking an exam.

40. —What can we do to prevent (避免)being ill?

—We should do more exercise and eat a ________ diet to take good care of ______.

A. balanced; usB. balance; ourself

C. balanced; ourselves D. balancing; our


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Several da ys ago, some students from the US visited our school. When we talked, I discovered __41__ differences in school life between the US and China. For example, each class

__42__fifty minutes in the US. It is a little__43__than that in China. We usually have forty-five minutes in each class. Another difference is that they have less break time between__44__. Besides, although most schools in both countries finish their__45__classes at 12 o’clock, the students in the US only have __46__break, so they need to eat lunch quickly. Their afternoon classes begin at 1:00 pm and school is over at __47__ 3:00 pm. Then they take part in club activities or play sports.

Many Chinese students don’t work during their high school years, __48__ the US students like to find a part-time job in their free time. They don’t have a dream job in mind. They think __49__ is no difference between jobs. Working is a useful experience for them and they make money at the same time. Some of them even take one-year full-time jobs__50__they leave high school and then go to college.

41. A. a little B. little C. a fewD. few

42. A. lasts B. finishes C. starts D. stays

43. A. shorterB. longerC. earlier D. later

44. A. schoolsB. classesC. meals D. students

45. A. dayB. night C. morningD. afternoon

46. A. a hour-long B. an hour longC. an- hour- long D. an hour-long

47. A. after B. before C. during D. around

48. A. although B. when C. whileD. and

49. A. it B. there C. thatD. this

50. A. after B. with C. while D. during

Ⅶ、阅读理解(共15小题,第51---60题每题1分,第61—65 题每题2分,共20分 )。




Good health needs a good sleep. Going to bed before you’re tired. Not eating or reading in bed. Go to bed at the same time before midnight and get up at the same time. Your body likes routine (常规) for a good night’s sleep.


Studies show that a cold or flu virus (病毒) can live on our hands for long. So wash all parts of your hands often with soap and water. For more ways to prevent (阻止)the spread of flu, please call HealthLine at 1800 848 1313.


Brush your teeth twice daily and visit the dentist at least once a year. The mouth is a mirror (镜子)of disease(疾病). The oral examination (检查)is not only for the health of teeth, but the whole body. For more of it, please visit www. mydr. com. au.


Studies have shown that many diseases have something to do with less or no physical (身体) activity. Try to do it for 30 minutes a day, 5 days or more a week. For more information, please call Healt hLine at 1800 438 2000.

51. If you want to get a good sleep, you’d better _______.

A. go to bed after you’re tired B. go to sleep at midnight

C. follow the bedtime routine D. eat something or read in bed

52. To prevent from catching a cold or flu, it’s good for you _______.

A. to clean your fingers often B. to brush your teeth twice daily

C. to get up early every morning D. to wash all parts of your hands

53. You should visit the dentist at least once a year, because _______.

A. the oral examination is necessary B. you don’t often brush your teeth

C. some diseases may be in the mirrorD. you don’t have a good night’s sleep

54. Studies have shown that many diseases have something to do with _______.

A. having no oral examination B. washing hands with cold water

C. sleeping too late sometimes D. doing little physical activity

55. When you want to learn more about the flu, you can _______.

A. visit www. mydr. com. Au B. call HealthLine at 1800 848 1313

C. visit the dentist in your place D. call HealthLine at 1800 438 2000


Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us like to have sweets and ice-cream ,but a lot of us don’t eat meat or rice.

Sweets and ice creams are not bad for the stomach if we eat at the end of a meal. If we drink beer at meals , it may take away ou r appetite( 食欲 ).It is important for us to eat our food at the same time each day. When we feel hungry , it is a sign(迹象) that our body needs food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat.

A long time ago in England, some judges(法官) decided if a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread . If the man could not swallow the bread, it was a sign that he was not telling the truth. Although this seems very strange and foolish, it is indeed a very good way of finding out the truth. A man who is worried has difficulty in swallowing anything dry. Because of his worry, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.

56. Why do we have to form good eating habits?

A. Because we want to eat more. B. Because we enjoy our meal.

C. Because we want to save time. D. Because we want to keep healthy.

57. When do you think it is good to eat sweets and ice cream according to the passage?

A. When we are happy.B. When we have a good appetite.

C. After a meal.D. Before a meal.

58. The word "swallow" means to___________.

A. 吞咽 B. 浸泡 C.嚼 D.喝

59. When does the writer think it would be better to have our meal?

A. When our work is over. B. At the same time every day.

C. When we feel happy.D. When every family member is home.

60. What could a man do if he told a lie(谎言) according to some judges in old England?

A. He could eat a lot of food. B. He could hardly need any food.

C. He coul d swallow dry bread easily.D. He could not swallow any dry bread.


When yo u get up in the morning, do you find it hard to choose what clothes to wear? If so, you probably need help making the bigger choices(选择) in your life, like what to do when you’re older.

“Brave New Girls”, written by an American writer Jeannette Gad berg, will help you make such choices. To make them, it says, you must be a “brave new girl”. A brave new girl is one who’s confident(自信的), healthy and happy. A brave new girl can realize(实现) her dreams. To be brave, you need to make decisions by yourself. Other people may tell you what to do, but you should not listen to them. You should only do what you want.

If you always wear clothes like those of your favorite TV stars, for example, you should stop doin g this. Instead, you should become your own star and wear the clothes you like.

The book also says that girls must start becoming more confident. If you’re confident, you’ll succeed in life. A good way to become confident is to realize that you’re as clever as boys. Just look at their grades!

Today’s brave new girls will become tomorrow’s brave new women. Only in this way can you achieve your dreams and become who you want to be.

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