时间:2017-06-27 05:52:00 来源:建材加盟网



5 The Last Wish

5 最后一个愿望

The next day there was a letter to say that the children's mother was coming home that afternoon. So they decided to wish for something for their mother. They were busy trying to think of something when Martha came into the room,very excited.


' There were thieves at Lady Chittenden's last night,'she said. ' They took all her jewels! She's got lots of beautiful dia-monds— they cost thousands of pounds, I've heard. '


' When I'm older,I'm going to buy Mother jewels like that ,'Robert said.


' I'd lide Mother to have all Lady Chittenden's beautiful jewels now,'said jane. ' I wish she could. ' “我想让妈妈现在就有奇膝登夫人的美丽的珠宝。”简说,“我希望她能有。”

'Oh Jane !'cried the others. ' What have you said?'


'Well, she will have them,'said Robert. ' You've wished!Everyont will think she stole them! We'll have to try to find the Psammead and ask it to take the wish back. '


They hurried down to the gravel-pit,but they could not find the Psammead. So they hurried home again and looked in their mother's room for the jewels, but they were not there yet.


' Well, we'll tell Mother about the Psammead, and she'll give back the jewels when they come,'Anthea said.


And that afternoon,when Mother came home, the children ran to meet her, and put their arms round her— and tried to stop her from going upstairs to her room.


' But I must take my coat off, and wash my hands!'she cried, laughing. And she went up to her room.


The children went after her— and there, on the table, was a green box. Mother opened it. 孩子们跟着她——在那里,桌子上有个绿盒子。母亲打开了它。

' Oh,how beautiful!' she cried.


It was a ring. A beautiful diamond ring.


' Perhaps it's a surprise present from Father,' she said. ' But how did it get here?'


But then she found a diamond necklace— and brooches—and bracelets. There were jewels in every cupboard in her room. The children began to look unhappy, and Jane began to cry.


Mother was no longer smiling. ' Jane, what do you know about this?'she said slowly. ' The true story, please. '


' We met a sand-fairy, Mother,'Jane began.


' Don't be stupid,Jane,'Mother said angrily.


'Some thieves stole all Lady Chittenden's jewels from her house last night,'Cyril said quickly. ' Perhaps these are her jewels!'


Then Mother called for Martha. ' Have any strangers been inthis room, Martha?' she asked. 母亲叫来马莎。“有陌生人到这房间来过吗,马莎?”她问道。

' Yes, but it was just my young man,' Martha answered,afraid. ' He was moving a heavy cupboard for me. '(This, of course,was Mr Beale,the vicar's nice young servant,who was now very friendly with Martha. )


So,of course,Mother thought that he was one of the thieves. She would not listen to the children and decided to go at once into town to tell the police. The children could not stop her.


' This is terrible!' said Anthea. ' Poor Martha! And poor Mr Beale—he isn't a thief! What are we going to do?' Then she cried,' Come on! We must find the Psammead!'


They all hurried down to the gravel-pit, and this time they found the Psammead, sitting on the sand and enjoying the evening sun. When it saw them, it tried to get away, but Anthea put

her arms round it. ' Dear,kind Psammead?'she began.


' Oh, you want something, don't you?' it said. 'Well,I can't give you any more wishes today. ' “哦,你想要东西,是不是?”它说,“可我今天再不能实现你的愿望了。”

' Don't you like giving wishes?'Anthea asked.


' No, I don't,'he said . ' Go away and leave me alone!'


But Anthea went on. ' Listen,'she said. ' If you do what we want today,we'll never ask you for another wish. '


'I'll do anything for that,'it said. ' I really don't enjoy giv-ing wishes. It's very hard work, you know, and I get so tired. ' “那样的话我可以做任何事情。”它说,“我实在是不喜欢实现人们的愿望。这是件难事,你知道,我变得这么累了。”

'Well, first I wish that Lady Chittenden will find that she has never lost her jewels. '


The Psammead got bigger, and then went small again. 'Done!'it said.


'I wish that Mother won't get to the police. '


'Done!'the Psammead said again.


' And I wish,' said Jane suddenly,'that Mother and Martha will forget all about the jewels. ' “我还希望,”简突然说,“妈妈和马莎把珠宝的事全忘了。”

'Done!'the Psammead said, but its voice was tired. 'Now,it went on ,' will you wish something for me?'


'Can't you give yourself wishes?' asked Cyril.


'Of course not,'the Psammead said. 'Wish that you will never tell anyone about me. '


' Why?' asked Robert.


' Well, you children always ask for stupid things. But adults aren't like that. If they get hold of me,they'll want to wish for real, important things—like free houses for poor people,and new schools for children everywhere in the country,and money to give to old people. Boring things like that. And they'll find a way to keep them after the sun goes down. And what will happen to the world if all those changes come at once ? There'll be terrible trouble. So go on , wish it! Quick!'



Anthea said the Psammead's wish,and it got very,very big. When it was small again, it said,' Now, I'm very tired. Do you want one last wish?'


'Thank you for everything,'said Jane. ' Have a good long sleep— and I wish that we'll see you again someday. '


Then,for the last time, the Psammead went big,then small again. It looked at them all once more with its long eyes,and then dug itself quickly into the sand.


And when they arrived home again,everything was all right. Mother came home and she and Martha remembered nothing, and Lady Chittenden found that her jewels were not lost.


' Will we ever see the Psammead again, do you think?'Jane said to the others, later in the garden.


And,of course,they did, but not in this story. It was in a very, very different place. It was in a? But I must say no more.


篇二:《书虫》系列第二级:《五个孩子和沙精 》第三章

The future is the Winners’----未来属于赢家

3 Wings

3 翅膀

The next day was very wet. It rained all day and the children could not go to see the

Psammead. They stayed at home and wrote letters to their mother. But none of them told

her about the Psammead. And the day after that,their Uncle Richard came and took them

out,so they did not see the Psammead for two days. But Anthea spent a lot of time thinking

about what to wish for.




The next morning,while Martha was busy with Baby,the children left the house quietly and

went to see the Psammead. On the way,Anthea said to the others,' I know what we can ask

for—— !'



The others were silent for a minute,but then they all agreed that they too would like to have



They found the Psammead easily. ' I wish we all had beauti-ful wings to fly with,'Anthea said.


The Psammead made itself very big and then went small again. The children felt strange for

a minute and when they looked,they saw that they had beautiful soft wings of many colours.

They moved them about and jumped up and down,and soon they could see the green fields

and sunny them and the blue sky above. They could fly!It was wonderful,and

they flew over the woods and trees,the townsand villages,for a long time. But they began

to get hungry.





Just then they saw below them some trees full of large red . ' We mustn't steal,'Cyril



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' We've got wings,'Jane answered quickly,' so we're birds. It's all right for birds to take things.

Birds can't steal. '


So they flew down onto the trees,and they ate as many of the plums as they could.


They were finishing the plums when they saw a very angry little fat man,who was hurrying

through the trees. They were his plums and the poor man thought that boys from the village

were stealing them. But when he saw that the children had wings,his mouth fell open and

his face went green. Anthea did not want to steal anything,of course,so she flew down and

pushed some money into his pocket.




'Don't be afraid,'she said. ' We've had some of your plums. We thought that it wasn't

stealing,but now I'm not so sure. So that was some money to pay for them. '



The little man sat there on the ground and looked up into the sky. 'Talking birds!Children

with wings!This is a lesson for me. From now on,I'm going to live a better life,'he said. And

he went into the house and was very kind to his wife.



Plums are very nice,of course,but you soon feel hungry again. So the children stopped first

at one house,then another,to ask for something to eat. They didn't get anything because

everyone was afraid of them and screamed and ran away when they saw them. By four

o'clock they were getting very tired and hungry,so they flew down onto the roof of a ,

to think what to do.




' We can't possibly fly all the way home without something to eat,'said Robert.


In the end they decided to take some food from the vicar's house next to the church.


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' He's a good man . He'll understand. We'll leave some money for the food,'Cyril said,'and

a note saying that we're sorry. '


Cyril got in through the window and gave the food to the others,who were outside. There was

some cold meat,half a cold chicken,some bread and a bottle of soda-water. Then they all

flew back up onto the church roof to eat it. They were very hungry,so they really enjoyed it.

But when you are very hungry,and then you eat a big meal and sit in the hot sun on a roof,

it is very easy to fall asleep. And so they did— while the sun slowly went down in the west.




They slept for a long time. When they woke up it was dark —and,of course,they had no



' We must get home,'Cyril said. ' There's a door over there. That's the way down. '


But when they tried the door,they found that it was locked from the other side. They were

on top of the church and they had no wings!How were they going to get down?


Anthea put her arm round Jane,who was beginning to cry. 'It will only be for one night,'she



Then Cyril said,'I know. Let's shout!The lights are on in the house. Someone will hear

us and get us down. '


So they shouted and screamed as loudly as they could,and the people in the house heard

them. The vicar ran out with his .


' Someone is murdering somebody in the church!'the vicar said,afraid. 'Perhaps it's the thief

who stole the cold chicken and things. '


But they could not understand why the voices were coming from the sky. So the children

shouted,' We're up here —on top of the church!'


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The two men were still afraid,but,slowly and carefully,they went up the stairs inside the

church. When they came to the top,the vicar shouted through the closed door,'How many

of you are there?Have you got guns?'



' There are four of us,and,no,we haven't got guns,'Cyril answered.


Slowly,the vicar opened the door.


'Good Heavens!'he cried. 'They're children!'


' Oh,please take us down,'cried Jane.


So the vicar and his servant took them down and into the vicar's house. Of course,the vicar

wanted to know why the children were on the church roof.


' We went up there because we wanted to see what it was like,'said Cyril. 'But then we

couldn't get down again be-cause the door was locked. 'He didn't say anything about the

wings,of course.



' But who locked the door?'the vicar asked.


' We don't know,'Jane answered. ' But we're not telling you everything. '


'Ah!There's a friend in it,then,'said the vicar's servant man,who was called Beale.


' Yes,but we can't tell you about him,' said Anthea,think-ing of the Psammead. ' We really

are very sorry,and please,can we go home now?'



The vicar still did not understand,but he was a kind man,so he sent the children home in

a carriage with his servant. Martha,of course,was very angry with them,but Mr

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Beale everything very well. He was a good-looking young man with a nice smile,

and after a while Martha forgot to be angry.




So the day ended happily after all.


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篇三:《书虫》系列第二级:《五个孩子和沙精 》第五章

The future is the Winners’----未来属于赢家

5 The Last Wish

5 最后一个愿望

The next day there was a letter to say that the children's mother was coming home that af

ternoon. So they decided to wish for something for their mother. They were busy trying to

think of something when Martha came into the room,very excited.



' There were thieves at Lady Chittenden's last night,

'she said. ' They took all her jewels! She's got lots of beautiful dia-monds— they cost tho

usands of pounds, I've heard. '



' When I'm older,I'm going to buy Mother jewels like that ,'Robert said.


' I'd lide Mother to have all Lady Chittenden's beautiful jewels now,

'said jane. ' I wish she could. '


'Oh Jane !'cried the others. ' What have you said?'


'Well, she will have them,'said Robert. ' You've wished!

Everyont will think she stole them! We'll have to try to find the Psammead and ask it to t

ake the wish back. '



They hurried down to the gravel-pit,

but they could not find the Psammead. So they hurried home again and looked in their mo

ther's room for the jewels, but they were not there yet.


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The future is the Winners’----未来属于赢家

' Well, we'll tell Mother about the Psammead, and she'll give back the jewels when they

come,'Anthea said.


And that afternoon,

when Mother came home, the children ran to meet her, and put their arms round her—

and tried to stop her from going upstairs to her room.


' But I must take my coat off, and wash my hands!

'she cried, laughing. And she went up to her room.


The children went after her— and there, on the table, was a green box. Mother opened i



' Oh,how beautiful!' she cried.


It was a ring. A beautiful diamond ring.


' Perhaps it's a surprise present from Father,' she said. ' But how did it get here?'


But then she found a diamond necklace— and brooches—and bracelets. There were jewels

in every cupboard in her room. The children began to look unhappy, and Jane began to




Mother was no longer smiling. ' Jane, what do you know about this?

'she said slowly. ' The true story, please. '


' We met a sand-fairy, Mother,'Jane began.


' Don't be stupid,Jane,'Mother said angrily.


'Some thieves stole all Lady Chittenden's jewels from her house last night,

'Cyril said quickly. ' Perhaps these are her jewels!'

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Then Mother called for Martha. ' Have any strangers been inthis room, Martha?

' she asked.


' Yes, but it was just my young man,' Martha answered,

afraid. ' He was moving a heavy cupboard for me. '(This, of course,was Mr Beale,

the vicar's nice young servant,who was now very friendly with Martha. )



So,of course,

Mother thought that he was one of the thieves. She would not listen to the children and de

cided to go at once into town to tell the police. The children could not stop her.


' This is terrible!

' said Anthea. ' Poor Martha! And poor Mr Beale—he isn't a thief! What are we going to

do?' Then she cried,' Come on! We must find the Psammead!'



They all hurried down to the gravel-pit, and this time they found the Psammead, sitting

on the sand and enjoying the evening sun. When it saw them, it tried to get away, but

Anthea put her arms round it. ' Dear,kind Psammead…'she began.



' Oh, you want something, don't you?' it said. 'Well,

I can't give you any more wishes today. '


' Don't you like giving wishes?'Anthea asked.


' No, I don't,'he said . ' Go away and leave me alone!'


But Anthea went on. ' Listen,'she said. ' If you do what we want today,

we'll never ask you for another wish. '


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'I'll do anything for that,

'it said. ' I really don't enjoy giv-ing wishes. It's very hard work, you know, and I get so

tired. '



'Well, first I wish that Lady Chittenden will find that she has never lost her jewels. '


The Psammead got bigger, and then went small again. 'Done!'it said.


'I wish that Mother won't get to the police. '


'Done!'the Psammead said again.


' And I wish,' said Jane suddenly,

'that Mother and Martha will forget all about the jewels. '


'Done!'the Psammead said, but its voice was tired. 'Now,it went on ,

' will you wish something for me?'


'Can't you give yourself wishes?' asked Cyril.


'Of course not,'the Psammead said. 'Wish that you will never tell anyone about me. '


' Why?' asked Robert.


' Well, you children always ask for stupid things. But adults aren't like that. If they get ho

ld of me,they'll want to wish for real, important things—like free houses for poor people,

and new schools for children everywhere in the country,

and money to give to old people. Boring things like that. And they'll find a way to keep the

m after the sun goes down. And what will happen to the world if all those changes come a

t once ? There'll be terrible trouble. So go on , wish it! Quick!'



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Anthea said the Psammead's wish,and it got very,

very big. When it was small again, it said,

' Now, I'm very tired. Do you want one last wish?'



'Thank you for everything,

'said Jane. ' Have a good long sleep— and I wish that we'll see you again someday. '


Then,for the last time, the Psammead went big,

then small again. It looked at them all once more with its long eyes,

and then dug itself quickly into the sand.


And when they arrived home again,

everything was all right. Mother came home and she and Martha remembered nothing, a

nd Lady Chittenden found that her jewels were not lost.



' Will we ever see the Psammead again, do you think?

'Jane said to the others, later in the garden.


And,of course,

they did, but not in this story. It was in a very, very different place. It was in a… But I

must say no more.



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