时间:2019-05-11 10:03:12 来源:76范文网

体育中考对中学生影响的整体分析 本文关键词:对中,中考,影响,分析,体育

体育中考对中学生影响的整体分析 本文简介:摘要  体育中考对中学生体育态度行为与身体运动能力影响的研究  体育中考是通过统一测试的形式对应届初中毕业生作出体质评价的统一测评模式,即通过测试运动成绩和测量现阶段身高、肺活量、体重所得的指数来进行体质评价。实施体育中考重要目的是通过考试机制促进学生的身体素质以及心理素质的发展,进而提高学生的身心

体育中考对中学生影响的整体分析 本文内容:

  摘 要






  2、 体育中考对中学生体育行为的影响:对体育锻炼的目的、时间、频率、形式、规律性等有明显促进作用,对运动强度的提高影响不明显。





  The physical examination is a unified evaluation model for physical evaluation ofjunior high school graduates through a unified test form, that is, physical evaluation is carriedout by testing the performance of sports and measuring the index of height, lung capacity, andbody weight at the current stage The practice over the years has proved that theimplementation of the physical education entrance examination is an effective measure topromote students 'active participation in physical exercise, and it is a cross-century qualifiedperson who cultivates students' all-round development in moral, intellectual and physicaldevelopment, and it is to enhance students 'physical fitness and strengthen sports awareness

  Creating a good sports environment is an important part Its important purpose is to promotethe development of students 'physical quality and psychological quality through theexamination mechanism, and thus improve students' physical and mental health Theinclusion of physical education in the entrance examination not only promotes the process ofquality education in schools, but also improves the status of physical education in schools andthe enthusiasm of students to participate in sports, promotes the attention and attention ofschools, society, and parents to students 'physical health, and comprehensively improvesstudents' physical fitness and functions Strengthen students 'physical fitness The physicaleducation entrance examination brings vitality to the school, especially to the students in thegraduating class of junior high school Its positive value can not be ignored Due to the scoreof the sports entrance examination, the examination results will affect the students 'highschool admission, which has aroused widespread concern in the society and the school,especially the students' parents, school sports teachers and students themselves Whetherstudents or teachers, always in a variety of efforts to try to achieve the ideal results in sportsentrance examination This kind of compulsory teaching and training has a great deal of helpand benefit in sports awareness, sports behavior and sports ability for students who are busywith cultural classes, students who rarely participate in physical exercise, or students who donot like sports It can lay a good foundation for students 'health The three factors that play an important role between physical examination and students 'physical and mental health arestudents' physical attitude, physical behavior and physical ability In this study, thesignificance and value of this study are discussed in these three aspects From the studentlevel and the teacher level, the author analyzes the changes in the students 'sportsconsciousness, sports behavior, and physical exercise ability caused by the physicalexamination I also hope to find out the problems in physical education teaching in schoolsand put forward rationalization proposals

  Physical attitude is a comprehensive expression of students 'cognitive evaluation,emotional evaluation, and behavioral awareness of physical learning and physical exercise

  Physical attitude has a positive effect on the emergence, persistence and regularity of physicalbehavior; Sports behavior is the intentional and conscious use of various means and methodsto meet a certain sports needs of activities The effectiveness of sports behavior has asubstantial impact on the development of students 'physical and mental health; Physicalexercise ability is the ability of people to participate in sports It is a comprehensiveexpression of human body shape, physical quality, physical function, and motor skills It isclosely related to the physical health of junior high school students Through the physicaleducation examination to promote the middle school students 'physical education attitude andbehavior and the development of physical exercise ability to personal health level, and at thesame time related to the quality of health of our people

  In this study, literature, measurement, observation, questionnaire, mathematical statistics,and logic analysis were used to comprehensively discuss the problems related to students'sports attitude and behavior and the promotion of physical exercise ability It is hoped thatwhen people demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the sports examination, theywill attract people's attention from another angle And concluded as follows:

  1 The impact of the exercise of the physical education entrance examination on the physicalattitudes of students in junior high school: it has a significant effect on the attitude of behavior,target attitude, behavioral intention, and behavioral control, while it has no obvious effect onsubjective standards, behavioral cognition, emotional experience, and behavioral habits

  2 The effects of physical exercise on the physical behaviour of junior high school students: it has a significant effect on the purpose, time, frequency, form, and regularity of physicalexercise, and has no obvious effect on the increase of physical activity intensity

  3 The impact of the exercise of the physical examination program on the physical ability ofjunior high school students: promoting the development of students 'physical fitness is moreprominent, but further strengthening is needed in terms of endurance quality, speed quality,and trunk strength; The improvement of the body ventilator is more obvious, and thepromotion of cardiac function is not prominent; In terms of sports skills, the improvement ofheart ball technical skills is more obvious Boys '1,000 meters, girls' 800 meters, and standinglong jump projects have also improved their sports skills It has a positive effect on bodyshape and has a more obvious effect on the rationality of height, weight and body fat index

  4 Comprehensive analysis shows that the practice of physical education entrance exams has apositive impact on students 'physical exercise behavior, attitude, and athletic ability Theexisting problems are as follows: students on the important role of physical exercise and thespecific role of unclear; Students to develop physical exercise habits awareness; Studentphysical exercise is easily influenced by others; The effect of students 'positive emotion ispoor The intensity of student physical exercise needs to be further improved Physicaleducation teachers 'understanding of the physical education examination is still uneven, andtheir teaching and training ability should be improved in the physical training of the physicaleducation examination In particular, they should also strengthen the discussion on methodsand strategies in several aspects such as dilution of the physical education examination effectand correct students' physical education learning and practice attitude And implementation

  Keywords: physical;examination;middle;school students Sports;attitudeSports behavior sports;ability

  目 录

  1 文献综述


  1.1 对体育中考相关政策研究

  国家教育部 1990 年出台的《学校体育工作条例》关于体育中考的内容是实施体育考试的法律依据。在《学校体育工作条例》出台后,国家教育又出台一系列政策,通过这些政策进一步推动体育中考的实施。这些政策主要包括:用发展的眼光看待体育中考制度,从多个维度来进一步完善体育中考制度;体育中考考试制度的出发点和落脚点都是学生身体素质的发展,应该避免为了考试而考试;体育中考评价内容应该包括:运动成绩、身体素质、参与态度、参与频率等。体育中考实施不可否认在促进学生对体育运动重视程度方面、提升学生身体素质方面是有一定积极作用的。另一方面,在全国国民体质检测中青少年体质水平仍处在下降过程中。当前的局面引起国家教育部的重视,教育部体卫艺司指出:在中考总成绩中体育考试成绩所占比重应该进一步增加,通过增加分值比重进一步引起师生对体育运动和体育中考的重视程度,全国中学都应该按这一政策来实施体育中考。2007 年中央国务院出台《关于加强青少年体育增强青少年体质的意见》,意见指出应该进一步有效实施体育中考,将学生身体素质看成学生综合素质的重要组成部分,与此相对应进一步提高体育考试成绩所占总分的分值。教育部体卫司 2008年在《关于做好 2008 年初中毕业升学体育考试工作的通知》中进一步指出,为了做好体育中考相关工作需要成立有效的组织机构,在实施中需要根据本地的实际情况,制定切合实际的考试实施方案,发挥考试方案的实际效果。对于体育中考还需要进一步进行深入宣传,使教师、家长、学生认识到体育中考的重要性,提高不同主体体育中考的参与程度。可以看出,对于体育中考政策的研究普遍指出,体育中考不仅仅是考试,更重要的是通过考试提高学生的身体素质、体育参与度、体育兴趣,这一点与本研究的研究思路是一致的。这方面的研究也为本研究提供了更为详实的参考资料。

  4 进一步针对体育中考实施策略对体育教师进行培训,提高体育教师综合能力,进而提高体育中考实施的效果。

  5 加强学生体育锻炼意识教育,进一步丰富相关的教学内容、方法、实施途径的研究。


  1.2 对体育中考实施利弊研究
  1.3 体育中考对策及建议研究
  1.4 有关体育态度行为与身体运动能力的研究

  2 研究对象与方法

  2.1 研究对象
  2.2 研究方法
  2.2.1 文献资料法
  2.2.2 调查法
  2.2.3 测量观察法
  2.2.4 数理统计法
  2.2.5 逻辑分析法
  2.3 研究步骤路线

  3 研究结果与分析

  3.1 对调查样本的统计分析
  3.2 体育中考前后学生体育态度对比分析
  3.3 体育中考前后学生体育行为对比分析
  3.3.1 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼目的的对比分析
  3.3.2 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼的频率的对比分析
  3.3.3 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼的时间的对比分析
  3.3.4 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼的强度的对比分析
  3.3.5 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼的形式
  3.3.6 体育中考前后学生体育锻炼规律性对比分析
  3.4 体育中考前后学生身体运动能力对比分析
  3.4.1 学生形态指标对比分析
  3.4.2 学生素质指标对比分析
  3.4.3 学生机能指标对比分析
  3.4.4 学生运动技能情况对比分析
  3.5 体育中考对中学生影响的整体分析
  3.5.1 体育中考对中学生体育态度影响的分析
  3.5.2 体育中考对中学生体育行为影响的分析
  3.5.3 体育中考对中学生身体运动能力影响的分析
  3.6 体育中考促进中学生发展的措施
  3.6.1 提高体育教师对体育中考认识程度
  3.6.2 提高体育教师教学与训练能力
  3.6.3 淡化体育中考应试效应
  3.6.4 端正学生体育学习与练习态度



  1 体育中考对中学生体育态度的影响:对行为态度、目标态度、行为意向、行为控制有明显促进作用,而对主观标准、行为认知、情感体验、行为习惯方面促进作用不明显。

  2 体育中考对中学生体育行为的影响:对体育锻炼的目的、时间、频率、形式、规律性等有明显促进作用,对运动强度的提高影响不明显。

  3 体育中考对中学生运动能力的影响:促进学生身体素质的发展较为突出,但在耐力性素质、速度素质以及躯干力量方面还需进一步加强;对机体呼吸机能提高较明显,心脏机能水平促进不突出;在运动技能方面,实心球技术技能提高较为明显,男生1000米、女生800米、立定跳远项目在运动技能也有所提高。对身体形态产生了积极影响,对身高和体重和体脂指数合理性的影响更为明显。

  4 综合分析,体育中考对学生体育态度、行为、运动能力起到了积极的促进影响。



  1 建议对体育中考内容的教学和训练方法进行系统化研究,重点研究如何针对体育中考进行教学和训练。下一步研究可以分专项分别对立定跳远、实心球、800 米、1000米进行教学与训练方法体系研究,为全国体育教师提供参考。

  2 进一步针对如何结合体育中考与体育教学进行研究,处理好体育中考学习与体育健康课程标准的关系。

  3 进一步加强体育中考项目练习促进体育锻炼规律性方面的研究,尤其是在相关的模式、方法方面有待进一步研究。

体育中考对中学生影响的整体分析  来源:网络整理


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