真正的文化 The Real Culture
时间:2019-09-25 13:22:42 来源:76范文网
真正的文化 The Real Culture 关键词:文化,Real,Culture
真正的文化 The Real Culture 摘 要:Astheworldgetssmallerwiththedevelopmentoftechnology,peoplebetweendifferentcountriescanlearndifferentculture.TheycanfindtheinformationfromtheInternetan
真正的文化 The Real Culture 详细内容:
As the world gets smaller with the development of technology, people between different countries can learn different culture. They can find the information from the Internet and most people learn the culture from media. But the fact is that most media report the events in their perspective, which is not showing the truth. So the best way for people to learn c 日常写作好助手【巴哥网】http://www.bagew.com/ ulture is to come to the local place, staying for some time and talking to the local people, then they will find what they learn is different from before. So the opinions from other people and the media are just references. The truth is waiting for you to find.

真正的文化 The Real Culture  来源:网络整理


真正的文化 The Real Culture
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