能力与价值 The Ability and Value
时间:2019-09-25 13:22:45 来源:76范文网
能力与价值 The Ability and Value 关键词:能力,价值,Ability
能力与价值 The Ability and Value 摘 要:Thereisaveryclassicsituationhappensinthejobmarket.Graduatescometotheemployersandtheywillalsoaskthegraduatesabouttheirexpectationofthejob.Asthefreshman
能力与价值 The Ability and Value 详细内容:
There is a very classic situation happens in the job market. Graduates come to the employers and they will also ask the graduates about their expectation of the job. As the freshman in the job market, one factor is always paid low, so the first expectation is to raise the salary. Sadly, this is hard to negotiate, because the employers need to see the value you create in the work firstly. So when we ask for the things we want, we need to think about what we can do to others. Life is fair, as the saying that n HttP://wwW.bageW.CoM/ o pain, no gain. Just like if we want to make a difference in the world, we need to make some efforts, fighting for the goal. When we become excellent, we have the right to negotiate and take charge of life.

能力与价值 The Ability and Value  来源:网络整理


能力与价值 The Ability and Value
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