时间:2017-04-19 06:31:35 来源:建材加盟网


1、 And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. 也不要因为出身低就让别人限制了你发展的机会

2、Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.


3、Your only limit is your soul.


4、You must be imaginative, strong hearted.


5、What I say is true. Anyone can cook.But only the fearless can be great. 我说的是真话 任何人都可以烹饪。但是只有勇者才会成功

6、Remy: I've always believed with hard work and a little bit of luck, it's only a matter of time before I'm discovered!


7、 But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

可是,我们评论家必须面对一个难堪的事实 :以价值而言, 被评论家批评为平庸之物的同时我们的评论也许比他更为平庸

8、But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.


9、 Food always comes to those who love to cook.


10、Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.You must be imaginative,strong hearted.You must try things that may not work.And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.Your only limits is your soul.




A: waiter B: yellow hair man C: lady in green dress D: man with glasses E: thin face man F: bossH: black man I: fat man J: Colette K: Lalo L: nanzhu

A: have you decided this evening?

B: your soup is excellent. But…

C: but we order it every time.

D: what else do you have?

A: well, we have a very nice foie gras.

B: I know about the foie gras. The old standby, used to be famous for it. What does the chef have that’s new?

A: someone has asked what is new!

E: new?

A: yes. What do I tell them?

E: well, what did you tell then?

A: I told them I would ask!

F: what are you blathering about?

E: customers are asking what is new.

A: what should I tell them?

F: what did you tell them?

A: I told them I would ask!

F: this is simple. Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe, something we haven’t made in a while… A: they know about the old stuff. They like Linguini’s soup.

F: they are asking for food from Linguini?

H: a lot of customers like the soup. That’s all we are saying.

I: were we saying that?

F: very well. If it’s Linguini they want, tell them Chef Linguini has prepared something special for them. Something definitely off menu. Oh, and don’t forget to stress – it’s Linguini – ness. E: oui, chef.

F: now is your chance to try something worthy of your talent, Linguini. A forgotten favorite of the chef’s, sweetbread a la Gusteau. – Colette will help you.

J: Oui, chef.

F: now hurry up. Our diners are hungry.

I: are you sure? That recipe was a disaster. Gusteau himself said so.

F: just the sort of challenge a budding chef needs.

J: sweetbread a la Gusteau. Sweetbread cooked in a seaweed salt crust with cuttlefish tentacle, dog rose puree, geoduck egg, dried white fungus? Anchovy licorice sauce. I don’t know this recipe, but it’s Gusteau’s so… Lalo! We have some veal stomach soaking, yes?

K: yes! The veal stomach, I get that.

L: veal stomach?

L: oh! Ok! ... yeah … I’ll be right back. Where… hey, I got to …. Hey! Don’t mind me. I just need to borrow this real quick. Let’s see, over here… I’ll be back. Thank you. Excuse me. I’m going

to …apparently, I need this. I’ll be right… I’m going to pick that up. I got some of that spice. Okay. J: what are you doing? You’re supposed to be preparing the Gusteau recipe.

L: this is the recipe.

J: the recipe doesn’t call for white truffle oil! What else have you… you are improvising? This is no time to experiment. The customer are waiting.

L: you are right. I should listen to you!

J: stop that!

L: stop what?

J: freaking me out! Whatever you are doing, stop it.

E: where is the special order?

J: coming! I thought we were together on this.

L: we are together.

J: then what are you doing?

L: it’s very hard to explain.

E: the special?

J: come get it! Whoa, whoa. I forgot the anchovy licorice sauce.

J: don’t you dare.

L: I’m not, I’m not. I’m… sorry.

F: is Linguini’s dish done yet?

E: ja. It’s as bad as we remember. Just went out.

F: did you taste it?

E: ja, of course, before he change it.

F: good. What? How could he change it?

E: he changed it as it was going out the door!

A: they love it! Other diners are already asking about it, about Linguini. I have seven more orders! F: that’s wonderful.

End 51:00



Announcer: Although each of the world’s countries would like to dispute this fact, we French know the truth: the best food in the world is made in France. The best food in France is made in Paris. And the best food in Paris, some say, is made by Chef Auguste Gusteau. Gusteau’s restaurant is the toast of Paris, booked five months in advance. And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine has made his competitors envious. He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating. Chef Gusteau’s cookbook, Anyone Can

Cook! , climbed to the top of the best seller list. But not everyone celebrates its success.

Ego: Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook!< What’s even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it. I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. And no, I don’t think anyone can do it.


Django: Don’t you feel better, Remy, eh? You’ve helped a noble cause.

Remy: Noble? We< we’re thieves, Dad. And what we’re stealing is – let’s face it - garbage!

Django: It isn’t stealing if no one wants it.

Remy: If no one wants it, why are we STEALING it? (The two argue.) Let’s just say we have different points of view. This much I knew: if you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff. But to my dad<

Django: Food if fuel. You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat you garbage.

Remy: Look, if we’re going to be thieves, why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where nothing is poison?

Django: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans. It’s dangerous.

Remy: I know I’m supposed to hate humans, but there’s something about them. They< they don’t just survive. They discover; they create. I mean just look at what they do with food.

Gusteau: (on TV) How can I describe it? Good food is like music you can taste, color you can smell. There is excellence all around you. You need only be aware to stop and savor it.

③一场大雨冲散了逃亡的鼠群。饥肠辘辘的Remy流落下水道,身边只有一本Anyone Can Cook! 。

Gusteau: (in the book) If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy. Why do you wait and mope?

Remy: Well, I’ve just lost my family, all my friends, probably forever. Gusteau: Well, how do you know?

Remy: well, I// you are an illustration. Why am I talking to you?

Gusteau: Well, you just lost your family, all your friends. You are lonely. Remy: Yeah. Well, you’re dead.

Gusteau: Ah, but that is no match for wishful thinking. If you focus on what you’ve left behind, you’ll never be able to see what lies ahead. Now go up and look around!

(Remy goes up and happily found some bread in a kitchen. He’s just about to eat it.)

Gusteau: What are you doing?!

Remy: (shocked) I’m hungry! I< I don’t know where I am, and I don’t know when I’ll find food again<

Gusteau: Remy, you are better than that. You are a cook! A cook makes. A thief takes. You are not the thief.

Remy: But I am hungry.

Gusteau: (laughs) Food will come, Remy. Food always comes to those who love to cook.

(Remy goes to the roof and finally knows where he is now.)

Remy: Paris? All this time I’ve been underneath Paris? Wow< It’s beautiful< Gusteau: The most beautiful.

Remy: Gusteau’s? Your restaurant? You< you’ve led me to your restaurant! Gusteau: It seems as though I have. Yes. There it is! U gave led you to it!j

④通过操纵餐厅新人Linguini的动作,Remy实现了烹饪梦,也使Linguini一举成名。与此同时,Remy遇到失散的族人,但他并不打算留在家里<< Django: Well, You’re not staying?

Remy: No. It’s not a big deal, Dad. I just< you didn’t think I was going to stay forever, did you. I mean eventually, a bird’s got to leave the nest.

Django: We’re not birds. We’re rats. We don’t’ leave our nests. We make them bigger.

Remy: Well, maybe I’m a different kind of rat.

Django: Maybe you’re not a rat at all.

Remy: Rats. All we do is take, Dad. I’m tired of taking. I want to make things. I want to add something to this world.

Django: You’re talking like a human.

Remy: Who are not as bad as you say.

Django: Oh, yeah? What makes you so sure?

Remy: I’ve eh<been able to< observe them at a< a close-ish sort of range. Django: Yeah? How close?

Remy: Close enough. And they’re, you know, not so bad as you say they are. Django: Come with me. I got something I want you to see. (Remy gasps as he sees a shelf of rats’ bodies.) Take a good long look, Remy. Now this is what happens when a rat gets a little too comfortable around humans. The world we live in belongs to the enemy. W must live carefully. We look out for our won kind, Remy. When all is said and done. We’re all we’ve got.

Remy: No.

Django: What?

Remy: No. Dad. I don’t believe it. You’re telling me that the future is – can only be - more of this?

Django: This it the way things are. You can’t change nature.

Remy: Change is nature, Dad. The part that we can influence. And it starts when we decide.

Django: Where you going?

Remy: With luck, forward.


Ego: In many ways, the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment. We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to writhe and to read. But the bitterer truth we critics must ace is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism

designating it so. But there are times when a critic truly risks something, and that is in the discovery and defense of the new. The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations. The new needs friends. Last night, I experienced something new, and extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source. To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement. They have rocked me to my core. In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau’s famous motto, “anyone can cook.” But I realize only now do I truly

understand what he meant’ Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere. It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau’s, who is, in this critic’s opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France. I will be returning to Gusteau’s soon, hungry for more.


Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.


* You must be imaginative,

strong hearted.


* You must try things that may not work.


And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from.


Your only limit is your soul.


What I say is true. Anyone can cook.But only the fearless can be great. 我说的是真话 任何人都可以烹饪。但是只有勇者才会成功

In many ways, the work of a critic is easy.


We risk very little, yet enjoy a position over those who offer up their work and their selves to our judgment.

我们冒的风险小却位高权重,人们必须奉上自己和作品供我们评论 We thrive on negative criticism, which is fun to write and to read. 我们以负面评论见称,因为读写皆饶富趣味

But the bitter truth we critics must face is that in the grand scheme of things, the average piece of junk is probably more meaningful than our criticism designating it so.

* 可是,我们评论家必须面对一个难堪的事实 :以价值而言, 被评论家批评为平庸之物的同时我们的评论也许比他更为平庸

But there are times when a critic truly risks something and that is in the discovery and defense of the new.


The world is often unkind to new talent, new creations.


The new needs friends.


Last night, I experienced something new, an extraordinary meal from a singularly unexpected source.


To say that both the meal and its maker have challenged my

preconceptions about fine cooking is a gross understatement.

如果说那一餐和它的创造者挑战了我对精致美食先入为主的观念, 这仍只是轻描淡写的说法

They have rocked me to my core. 他们彻底震撼了我

In the past, I have made no secret of my disdain for Chef Gusteau's famous motto, "Anyone can cook." But I realize only now do I truly

understand what he meant. 过去我公开对食神古斯多的著名格言“料理非难事”表示不屑 ,但是我发觉现在我才真正了解他的意思

* Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.并非任何人都能成为伟大的艺术家 ,但是伟大的艺术家可能来自任何地方

It is difficult to imagine more humble origins than those of the genius now cooking at Gusteau's, who is, in this critic's opinion, nothing less than the finest chef in France.

现今在食神餐厅掌厨的天才出身之低微令人难以想像,依在下之见, 他是法国最好的厨师

I will be returning to Gusteau's soon, hungry for more.


* It was a great night. The happiest of my life.


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