时间:2019-05-17 11:27:34 来源:76范文网

基于传播学的政府公关修辞研究分析 本文关键词:传播学,修辞,公关,政府,分析

基于传播学的政府公关修辞研究分析 本文简介:摘要  危机事件中官方话语的公关修辞研究--以天津港“812”爆炸事件为例  关于修辞的研究,一直以来都是语言学和新闻传播学所研究的重点,但是修辞理论并不仅仅局限于单纯的语言和文字运用,也可以与具有综合性、边缘性的公共关系学相结合。在以往的危机公关中,某些地方政府的话语有失妥

基于传播学的政府公关修辞研究分析 本文内容:

  摘 要











  The rhetoric research is always the emphasis of linguistics, journalism andcommunication studies, but rhetoric theory is not limited to pure language and text, itcan also be combined with the comprehensive and marginal public relations In thepast crisis public relations, the relationship between the government and people waschanged quietly with the inappropriate discourse of some local government To thisend, the effective communication of official discourse in crisis affairs has become avery important issue The study focuses on the rhetoric strategy of government publicrelations, and uses the literature research and case analysis method, it’s based on thenew perspective of public relations rhetoric after summarize previous studies, and itselects “812” Tianjin Port explosion as a research case which is the most closelyconcerned in recent years The study selects leaders’ discourse, official reports andpress conference discourse as the objects of study From the discourse content,rhetorical situation and rhetorical expression of three aspects, the study analyzes howto effectively use rhetorical means to communicate the official discourse, and properlyhandle the relationship with the public and the media when the country in response tothis event At the same time, the study also points out some problems in the applicationof official discourse rhetoric in this event, and puts forward some feasible suggestions

  The study has five parts:

  The first part is the introduction, which introduces the need for the effectivecommunication of official discourse in the current crisis, and the need to increase theinput of emotion Then, it puts forward the issues of crisis’s official discourse on theuse of public relations rhetoric

  The second part is the literature review, firstly, combined with the research object,sorts out the main literature at home and abroad, including the official discourse incrisis, the rhetorical theory, and public relations rhetoric; then, it summarizes thecurrent status of the communication of official discourse and the present situation of  rhetoric use This part elaborates the past research’s shortage and the inspiration forthis study, moreover, it puts forward new ideas and research perspective Finally, thesignificance of this study is proposed, which can enrich the theoretical basis of publicrelations rhetoric and provide examples for the official discourse communication incrisis affairs

  The third part is research design, elaborates the author’s research ideas, researchmethods and theoretical analysis framework for the later study of the bedding On thebasis of the combing of literature, this study takes case investigation of Tianjin portexplosion as an example to analyze the application of official discourse to publicrelations rhetoric

  The fourth part is a case study It collects the event-related corpus information inthe Xinhuanet, CCTV network and People’s Daily Online, analyzes the advantages anddisadvantages from the aspects of discourse content, rhetorical situation and rhetoricalexpression of the official discourse in the “812” Tianjin Port explosion This partanalyzes leaders’discourse and official reports on how to use PR rhetoric to accuratelydisseminate information and handle relationships with the public, and focuses on themisconduct of discourse in press conferences

  The last part is conclusion, the conclusions of the study are: the contents of thediscourse itself are the essence of the official discourse; the specific rhetoric situationis the basic basis for the communication of official discourse; expressive ability andsincere heart are the essential qualities of rhetoric; the rhetorical use of the pressconference in the explosion needs to be improved The press conference during Tianjinport explosion exposes problems, for example, discourse is not timely and appropriate,live is interrupted, the question can’t be answered, etc These problems can becorrected and improved through four aspects, for instance, to grasp the time indicators,to enhance the rhetoric and literacy, to make public the information and focus onhumanistic care The study hopes that these experiences and suggestions can providerhetorical reference for the country and the government in the future’s crisiscommunication

  Key words: crisis affairs; official discourse; public relations rhetoric

  目 录



  近些年来,随着科学技术的进步与发达,人们对新事物的追求和探索的程度不断推进,各种不确定性因素也增多,随之而发生了诸多令人既恐慌又痛心的事件,比如 2005 年“辽宁‘214’特大瓦斯爆炸事故”、2008 年“汶川‘512’地震”、2012 年“北京‘721’特大暴雨”、2014 年“昆明‘31’火车站暴力恐怖事件”等危机事件。危机事件事起骤然,具有不确定性和不可预测性的特点,尤其重大危机事件一旦发生,扰乱了正常的社会秩序,对国家、社会和人民的危害程度更是难以想象。正如美国著名的危机管理专家 Laurence Barton 所说:“危机是一种会带来潜在负面影响且具有不可预见性的事件,这种事件及其造成的后果可能会给组织及其人员、产品、资产、服务、形象和声誉带来巨大的伤害。”











  五、结 论



基于传播学的政府公关修辞研究分析  来源:网络整理


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