时间:2017-05-02 05:45:53 来源:建材加盟网








They managed to rescue all the people in the flood.


Up went the arrow into the air.

Why do they move and burn more of the forest?

Not only will help be given to people who are disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it. ③祈使句中,往往省略。

Take this money and buy yourself some more books.(句首省略了you) ④There be结构中,在be之后。

Around the area of Aswanthere are a lot of important old temples , which date from about 1250 BC.




They started to use English, but they also brought in some words from their own languages.


Dr. Manette realized that the sister must have been very badly treated.




①通常位于连系动词之后,但下列情况下,置于连系动词之前。为了强调表语。 In the north isScotland, with its capitalEdinburgh. 北面是苏格兰,首都是爱丁堡。


What a curious hotel it was!


Child as the boy was, he knew what was the right thing to do. ④“the+比较级…,the+比较级…结构中”。

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. 英语你听得越多,就越容易听懂。





Bob asked all the airlines to fly the pop stars for free.


It picked it up in its mouth and carried it into the bushes. ③数词用作宾语。

Canadacovers six of the world''s 24 time areas.


She''s always helping the poorer than herself.


Since then the number of milu deer there has greatly increased. ⑥不定式用作宾语

I just didn''t wish to put you to the trouble of changing a large note. ⑦动名词作宾语或名词化分词(主要是过去分词)作宾语

When she had finished listening to the news, Mrs.Cousins turned off the radio.


I suggest that you choose someone who you think is kind and friendly. 直接宾语和间接宾语

可具有这种双宾语的及物动词有:bring, fetch, give, hand, leave, lend, offer, pass, pay, promise, read, refuse, show, sing, teach, tell, write, buy, find, get, make, envy, return, sell等。

I don''t envy you your job.



He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.

I think you''ll find these materials much better and much more suitable. The lion could still be seen in the bushes eating the meat.

This song is thought to be most popular.




It was the earliest research centre for agriculture.(形容词用作定语)

They had brought a picnic lunch with him.(名词用作定语)

I''m looking for another speaker who could give a talk.(代词用作定语) In 1911,she received a second Nobel Prize for her research, becoming the first person in the world to receive two Nobel prizes.(数词用作定语) The way out lies in the development of education.(副词用作定语) There are plenty of interesting places to visit.(不定式用作定语) Everybody was at his fighting post.(动名词用作定语)

By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa.(分词用作定语) I know a woman whose three sons are all soldiers.(句子用作定语)

7. 状语



1.副词,如carefully,例句:he did his housework carefully

2.介词短语,如in the classroom,例句he did his homework carefully in the classroom

3.非谓语短语,如seen from the top of the mountain,或者when facing difficulties,例句Seen from the top of the mountain,the houses beneath are very small

When facing difficulties,w e should keep calm

4. 从句,如时间状语从句,地点状语从句,让步状语从句,原因状语从句等 例句 He will come back next week when the opening ceremony begins. He will come to the school where he spent his childhood.

Although he failed in the exam ,he never gave up his goals. He failed in his exam because he gives up his goals halfway.



语法 grammar

句法 syntax 词法 morphology 结构 structure 层次 rank 句子 sentence 从句 clause 词组 phrase 词类 part of speech 单词 word 实词 notional word

虚词 structrural word

名词 noun

专有名词 proper noun 普通名词 common noun 可数名词 countable noun

不可数名词 uncountable noun 抽象名词 abstract noun 具体名词 concret noun

物质名词 material noun 集体名词 collective noun 个体名词 individual noun

介词 preposition 连词 conjunction 动词 verb 主动词 main verb

及物动词 transitive verb 不及物动词 intransitive verb 系动词 link verb

助动词 auxiliary verb 情态动词 modal verb 规则动词 regular verb

不规则动词 irregular verb 短语动词 phrasal verb 限定动词 finite verb

非限定动词 infinite verb 使役动词 causative verb 感官动词 verb of senses

动态动词 event verb 静态动词 state verb 感叹词 exclamation 形容词 adjective副词 adverb

方式副词 adverb of manner 程度副词 adverb of degree 时间副词 adverb of time地点副词 adverb of place 修饰性副词 adjunct 连接性副词 conjunct

疑问副词 interogative adverb 关系副词 relative adverb

代词 pronoun

人称代词 personal pronoun 物主代词 possesive pronoun 反身代词 reflexive pronoun相互代词 reciprocal pronoun 指示代词 demonstrative pronoun

疑问代词 interrogative pronoun 关系代词 relative pronoun

不定代词 indefinite pronoun 物主代词 possecive pronoun

名词性物主代词 nominal possesive prnoun 形容词性物主代词 adjectival possesive pronoun

冠词 article

定冠词 definite article 不定冠词 indefinite article

数词 numeral

基数词 cardinal numeral 序数词 ordinal numeral 分数词 fractional numeral

形式 form

单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 限定动词 finite verb form

非限定动词 non-finite verb form 原形 base form

从句 clause

从属句 subordinate clause 并列句 coordinate clause 名词从句 nominal clause

定语从句 attributive clause 状语从句 adverbial clause 宾语从句 object clause主语从句 subject clause 同位语从句 appositive clause

时间状语从句 adverbial clause of time 地点状语从句 adverbial clause of place

方式状语从句 adverbial clause of manner 让步状语从句 adverbial clause of concession

原因状语从句 adverbial clause of cause 结果状语从句 adverbial clause of result

目的状语从句 adverbial clause of purpose 条件状语从句 adverbial clause of condition真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of real condition

非真实条件状语从句 adverbial clause of ueal condition

含蓄条件句 adverbial clause of implied condition

错综条件句 adverbial clause of mixed condition

句子 sentence

简单句 simple sentence 并列句 compound sentence 复合句 complex sentence

并列复合句 compound complex sentence 陈述句 declarative sentence

疑问句 interrogative sentence

一般疑问句 general question 特殊疑问句 special question 选择疑问句 alternative question附加疑问句 tag question 反义疑问句 disjunctive question 修辞疑问句 rhetorical question感叹疑问句 exclamatory question

存在句 existential sentence

肯定句 positive sentwence 否定句 negative sentence 祈使句 imperative sentence

省略句 elliptical sentence 感叹句 exclamatory sentence 基本句型 basic sentence patern

句子成分 members of sentences

主语 subject 谓语 predicate 宾语 object 双宾语 dual object 直接宾语 direct object间接宾语 indirect object 复合宾语 complex object 同源宾语 cognate object

补语 complement 主补 subject complement 宾补 object complement 表语 predicative定语 attribute 同位语 appositive 状语 adverbial

句法关系 syntatic relationship

并列 coordinate 从属 subordination 修饰 modification 前置修饰 pre-modification后置修饰 post-modification 限制 restriction 双重限制 double-restriction

非限制 non-restriction

数 number

单数形式 singular form 复数形式 plural form 规则形式 regular form

不规则形式 irregular form

格 case

普通格 common case 所有格 possessive case 主格 nominative case 宾格 objective case

性 gender

阳性 masculine 阴性 feminine 通性 common 中性 neuter

人称 person

第一人称 first person 第二人称 second person 第三人称 third person

时态 tense

过去将来时 past future tense 过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense

过去将来完成时 past future perfect tense 一般现在时 present simple tense

一般过去时 past simple tense 一般将来时 future simple tense

现在完成时 past perfect tense 过去完成时 present perfect tense

将来完成时 future perfect tense 现在进行时 present continuous tense

过去进行时 past continuous tense 将来进行时 future continuous tense

过去将来进行时 past future continuous tense

现在完成进行时 present perfect continuous tense

过去完成进行时 past perfect continuous tense

语态 voice

主动语态 active voice 被动语态 passive voice

语气 mood

陈述语气 indicative mood 祈使语气 imperative mood 虚拟语气 subjunctive mood

否定 negation

否定范围 scope of negation 全部否定 full negation 局部否定 partial negation转移否定 shift of negation

语序 order

自然语序 natural order 倒装语序 inversion 全部倒装 full inversion

部分倒装 partial inversion

直接引语 direct speech 间接引语 indirect speech

自由直接引语 free direct speech 自由间接引语 free indirect speech

一致 agreement

主谓一致 subject-predicate agreement 语法一致 grammatical agreement

概念一致 notional agreement 就近原则 principle of proximity

强调 emphasis 重复 repetition 语音 pronunciation 语调 tone 升调 rising tone降调 falling tone 降升调 falling-rising tone

文体 style

正式文体 formal 非正式文体 informal 口语 spoken/oral English

套语 formulistic expression

英国英语 British English 美国英语 American English

用法 usage

感情色彩 emotional coloring 褒义 commendatory 贬义 derogatory 幽默 humorous讽刺 sarcastic 挖苦 ironic

篇三:英语句子成分分析 初学者必看







据leon 了解,英语阅读主要困难有两方面:



那么什么是句子结构呢?说白了,就是在一个句子内部,一个个单词是怎么组织在一起的,为什么有的单词放在句子前面,有的单词放在句子的后面;在一个复杂的句子中各个句子是怎么组合起来的。曾见过这样的句子:I am very like English (我是非常喜欢英语) 。My English very well(我的英语非常好 ),上面的两个句子是常见典型错句,你能看出来错在哪里吗?




一个词的词性不止一个,通常有两个或两个以上(如work 可以作名词或动词,但这个词一旦放在句中,它的词性就确定了,(如: His work is good ,本句中的work 肯定是名词.) 基于以上原因,词类概念的建立以及词类分析能力的建立说白了就是指:看到一个词,立刻就能反应出这个词属于哪个词类;看到句子中的单词,立刻就能确定出这个词的词性,这是一项能力,你不可能通过死记硬背学会的. 为什么需要你知道一个个单词属于哪个词类,知道这些有什么用呢? 要知道,理解掌握词类是理解句子结构及成分的基础,大脑中没有词类的概念,一切都无从谈起,,想想看,它是何等的重要.

怎么才能建立词类概念以及具备词类分析能力呢?leon 总结了 三 “活”一“死”的方法,,三“活”就是通过分析的方法,不是通过死记来确定一个单词的词性,大体上有以下三种途径:

其一,从词类概念的本身出发去分析单词的词性(见第二节) 举个简单的例子,cake 这个词,中文意思 :蛋糕,是一种食品的名称,,ok 了,不用再去背 cake 名词 cake 名词 。这一方法的运用需要你把对单词中文意思的了解和对十大词类概念


其二, 从单词的构词法入手来判断词性,构词法即构成单词的方法,其中一种是派生法,是通过加前后缀来构成单词的,英语中相当一部分单词是通过这种方法构成的,,一般来说,前缀是表明单词的词义,后缀表明单词的词性(词类),因此,从后缀我们大致可以判断出单词的词性.例如一般来讲加ly的形容词都是副词:quickly badly really completely 等等,.

其三,从句子成分来分析.实际上.学习词类和确定词类是为了分析句子成分,反过来,当我们学会句子分析后,我们还可以确定单词的词性(对一词多种词性的单词非常有用),,就是说可以逆推,如:He works in that factory 这句话中work 很显然是动词.

友情提示: 1) 以上三种方法,第一种方法适应于绝大多数单词,因此是最重要的方法,第二种方法适应于一部分有后缀的单词,第三种方法适应于绝大多数单词(但这种方法需要你的句子成分分析能力达到一定程度)

2) 你在以后的新单词学习中(从高中第一册)要有意识地注意一下单词的词性,学一个单词主要是学其音(读音)、其形(拼写)、其义(词义)、其性(词性)、其用法,这样才能把一个单词学透,学到家,,其实,你最终会发现词性是这五种要素中最易学最易记的..

还有一”死”的方法,这里的”死”就是死记硬背了,这是对于一些难点词类中的某些词,比如:个别的介词(如:against \by等等 ),副词。这一类词不怎么好分析,不能用活的方法,只好死记了,这只适应于一小部分单词,真的不希望你都去死记,也没必要..


第二节 “传说”中的英语十大“门派”



词类就是词的类别。我们知道,英语单词成千上万,但根据用法特征,可以分为十类。分别叫名词,代词,动词,形容词,副词,数词,连词,介词,冠词,感叹词。也就是说,英语中那么多单词,任挑一个,那它一定属于这十种词类中的一种或几种。(友情提示:同一个单词可能有几种词性。比如,work 既是动词又是名词。)

名词,"名"就是名称--人或事物的名称.具体的人或物体的名称:人名--Mike,Li Ming;地名—America ,China 动物名--pig,dog;植物名--tree,wheat.抽象的事物的名称:idea(主意),victory(胜利),knowledge(知识).

代词,何谓“代” ?即是替代的意思,主要是来替代名词,所以说名词和代词关系是很近的,或者说代词的实质就是名词,正是这种血液关系,绝大多数时候代词跟名词在句中起的作用是一样的。代词,从英语词汇的整体来看数量并不多。 动词,"动"就是动作--人的五官动作:walk(走),jump(跳),swim(游泳);人的大脑动作(心理活动):think(想),imagine(想象).也有些动词是表示静止的,如:am, is, are。


副词,说人行走得快慢,讲话清楚,在英语里就要用quickly(快地),slowly(慢地),clearly(清楚地)这些词往往来修饰动词。它们就是副词。副词很多是从形容词加ly构成的,所以看单词词尾是否有ly是判断是否是副词的一种方法,但是词尾是ly的也不一定都是副词,可能是形容词,不过只有少量的单词(likely fiendly lovely lonely weekly monthly yearly ),这几个单词需要加强记忆,也不就是7个单词特殊嘛,不过考试往往就考特殊的,你要小心才是呀! 介词,英语用词里介词也属于难缠的一个。因为它涉及方面广,而且变化多端,往往令人捉摸不定,记起来很麻烦。别怕别怕,大部份介词都不难理解,比较令人头痛的只是下列几个at, by, to, in, for, of, on, from, with其中又以 at, by, in, on 为四大“要犯"!学习介词就是要抓住这几"要犯",看招吧,嘿嘿!!还要提醒你的是介词同名词“关系”最好,是“铁” 哥们,所以往往你见到介词的地方你就会见到名词,而且还有一个词类往往和他们两个往往在一起,那就是冠词,他们三个形成一个“小集团”。

连词,如果我们想把单词与单词、短语与短语、句子与句子连接起来就要用连词。连词不能单独作句子成分,只能和其他词类一起作句子成分。常见的连词有:and、but、or 、 both .. and 、neither..nor 、not only ..but also 、when 、 where、 before、 after 、 if 等等

冠词,英语中只有三个词:a\an (不定冠词)the (定冠词),简单来说,不定冠词表示泛指,定冠词表示特指,冠词与名词关系紧密,一般是放在名词之前。定冠词也不能单独做主语宾语等等什么啦,只能和其他词类结合作句子成分。

数词,顾名思义,跟数字有关的词就是数词,英语中的数词有两种,基数词和序数词。基数词,比如:one two 、three 、 four、 five 、six 、 seven 等等 ,序数词,比如:first 、second、third 、fourth 、fifth 等等。

感叹词,主要是来表示 喜怒哀乐等感情的,比如:oh ah well 等等,这一词类在十大词类中并不重要,了解即可。

练习 一

一) 根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类:

1 deep 2 finger 3 fly 4 papers

5 pass 6 refuse 7 size 8 spoon

9 delicious 10 thick 11 town 12 map

13 myself 14 and 15 on 16 sheep

17 ship 18 mine 19 important 20 an

21 catch 22 first 23 laugh 24 third

25 leave 26 here 27 fly 28 home

29 round 30 sing 31 blind 32 but

33 eighth 34 about 35 bad 36 yours

37 child 38 against 39 ah 40 with

41 cinema 42 Tuesday 43 cheap 44 advice

45 two 46 they 47 able 48 for

49 say 50 quickly 51 if

二) 根据常见的后缀辨别下列单词的词性。

1 scientist 2 singer 3 conversation

4 beautiful 5 loudly 6 famous

7 government 8 dangerous 9 instruction

10 careful 11 lively 12 safeties

13 national 14 traditional 15 illnesses

16 wonderful 17 competitions 18 information

19 successful 20 natural 21 illnesses

22 lovely 23 really 24 friendly

25 usually 26 yearly 27 advertisement

友情提示:1.一个单词多种词性是很 普遍的现象,这里的词性是指常见的词性 2.本题中加ly并不都是副词,小心为好!

三) 判断下列句子中划线单词的词性。

1、Mary dances well.

2 His father is reading.

3 Tom is looking for his watch.

4 He often plays violin after school.

5 Mr. Green works in a university.

6 The teacher taught us an English song.

7 I have bought this pen for two years.

8 Nothing can live without water.

9 You may keep this dictionary for two weeks.

10 You can?t agree with me .


练习 一 答案 解析

一) 根据对词类的概念的理解,指出下面单词的词类:

1. deep 深的,形容词 2. finger 手指,名词

3. fly 飞,动词 4.papers 报纸,名词

5 pass 通过,动词 6 refuse 拒绝,动词

7 size 尺寸,名词 8 spoon 汤匙,名词

9 delicious美味的,可口的,好吃的,形容词

10 thick厚的,形容词 11 town 城市,名词

12 map 地图,名词 13 myself我自己,反身代词

14 and 和,并列连词 15 on 在……上,介词

16 sheep 绵羊,名词 17 ship 轮船 ,名词

18 mine 我的,名词性物主代词 19 important重要的,形容词

20 an 一个,冠词 21 catch赶上,动词

22 first 第一,序数词 23 laugh 笑,动词

24 third 第三,序数词 25 leave 离开,动词

26 here 这儿,副词 27 fly 飞, 动词

28 home 家,名词 29 round 圆形的,形容词

30 sing 唱,动词 31 blind 瞎的,形容词

32 but 但是,转折连词 33 eighth 第八,序数词

34 about关于……,介词 35 bad 坏的,形容词

36 yours 你的,形容词性物主代词 37 child 小孩子,名词

38 against反对……,介词 39 ah 啊哈 感叹词

40 with 和……,介 41 cinema 电影院,名词

42 Tuesday 星期二,名词43cheap 便宜的,形容词

44 advice 建议,名词 45 two 二,基数词

46 they 他们,代词 47 able有能力的,形容词

48 for 为……。介词 49 say 说,动词

50 quickly快地,立刻地,马上地,副词 51 if 如果,连词

二) 根据常见的后缀辨别下列单词的词性。

1 scientist科学家,名词 2 singer 歌手,名词

3 conversation谈话,名词 4 beautiful 漂亮的,形容词

5 loudly 大声的,副词 6 famous著名的,形容词

7 government 政府,名词 8 dangerous 危险的,形容词

9 instruction 说明,名词 10 careful 小心的,形容词

11 lively 活泼的,有生气的,形容词 12 safety 安全,名词

13 national 国家的,人民的,形容词 14 traditional传统的,形容词

15 illness 不健康,不可数名词 16 wonderful好的,棒极了,形容词

17 competitions竞赛,名词 18 information 信息,名词

19 successful成功的,形容词 20 natural自然的,形容词

21 illnesses某一种疾病,可数名词 22 lovely 可爱的,形容词 23 really 真地,副词 24 friendly友好的,形容词

25 usually 通常地,频度副词 26 yearly 每年的,形容词

27 advertisement广告,名词

三) 判断下列句子中划线单词的词性。

1、Mary dances well.副词,玛利的舞跳的很好。

2 His father is reading.代词,他的爸爸正在读书。

3 Tom is looking for his watch.名词,汤姆正在找他的表。

4 He often plays violin after school.介词,他放学后通常弹钢琴。

5 Mr. Green works in a university.动词,格林先生在一所大学工作。

6 The teacher taught us an English song.名词,老师教给我们一首英文歌曲。7 I have bought this pen for two years.数词,我已经买这只钢笔有两年了。8 Nothing can live without water.介词,没有水,万物都不能生存。

9 You may keep this dictionary for two weeks.情态动词,你可以保存这本字典两周。

10 You can?t agree with me .代词,你不能同意我(的观点)。

第三章 五种基本句型及句子成分的分析

第一节 破解英语句子之密码“钥匙”




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